

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:鄭新鴻
  • 研究人員:陳凰琴

本年度目標: 探討培養品質優良之橈足類及保種模式:(1)配製適當簡易培養基取代部份藻類,改良現行以藻類培養橈足類之耗費人力與物力方法,研發1000 L 中型水槽生產技術。(2)添加微生物製劑,抑制病原菌及病毒,以提高橈足類品質,進而建立培養優質橈足類模式。(3)篩選快速成長增殖品種。預期效益:1.提供有關培養橈足類的培養基,促進橈足類的增殖及減少藻類需求量。2.提供培養高品質的橈足類方法給業者參考,以生產優質橈足類提供給魚苗繁殖業者培育出健康的魚苗,增加漁民收益。


The objectives of this study are: Culture and collection of copepod: Common speciesfound in fish ponds will be investigated. proper species will be selected and the culturemethod of using powder of artificial pellet or artificial fertilizer to replace microalgae ascopepod diet will be explored. To inhibit carried pathogens and virus of copepods byusing probiotics will be conducted.The expected results and their value: The economical viable culture method of copepodwill be established to decrease man-power needed during culture and to improve thequality of copepod to facilitate the culture of healthy fish and shrimp larvae.