

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:陳紫媖
  • 研究人員:張賜玲、張正芳、謝介士



Many wild tuna juveniles, mainly yellow fin tuna, are aggregated around mid-watersartificial floating reef for feeding. However, the value of the wild-caught tuna juveniles islow owing to their smaller size. The goal in this study attempts to develop the tunaculture industry by fishing the wild juveniles and transferring to the sea cage and pondfor establishing the techniques of broodstock management and cage culture. Technicalimprovements will be carring out including fishing and transfering of wild juveniles,management of cage culture, transfering of tuna between the cages, and changing thefouling net. In aspects of broodstock management in the pond, the round concrete pondwith water volume of 80 and 250 m3 equipped with re-circulated system were used tostock the candidate breeders. The habits, growth, food preference and disease resistanceof yellow fin tuna will also be investigated.