

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:丁雲源
  • 研究人員:陳文義、葉信利、許晉榮、何源興、朱永桐、陳哲明、梁貴龍、黃國彰、胡益順



1. For improve the techniques of marine fish's culture and produce mass seed, we haveto study the development of embryos, larval rearing, established the broodstock of parentfish, and selects the suitable species for Taiwan aquaculture. Hybridization is generallyuseful practice for species develop and keep good quality genetic strain in a role ofaquaculture. Grouper are important marine culture fishes in Taiwan. While not so muchresearch about those species hybrids study in now. Therefore, the research on physiologyand ecology about the hybrid seed culture are important. We have tried the possibility ofcross hybridization and the hatching of hybrid in grouper Epinephelus malabaricus andE. coioides. Then, we are going on the above study in larvae under differentenvironmental factor treatment in future research. Furthermore, we will try the practicaltechnique to keep broodstock strain of grouper. We will get the difference of morphologycharacters and growth data in juvenile /fry of grouper and it hybrids expect these basicstudies will be very valuable for the mass seed production.2. In ontogeny of fish, metamorphosis is a phase between larval and juvenile periods.Elevated mortality rates during or shortly after metamorphosis have reported for manyfishes, and grouper are ones of them. The high mortality could be caused bydeteriorating water quality, viral infection, and cannibalism. Additionally, since metamorphosis includes major changes in morphology, either internal or external,unsuccessful transitions of these from larval to juvenile periods could makemetamorphosis quite hazardous time for the developing fish. However, so far, rarestudies concerning metamorphosis of grouper have been found. After investigation ofdigestive tract and thyroid gland with histological methods, this year we will investigatethe effect of hormones like thyroid hormone and cortisol on grouper larvae. We wish thehormones do accelerate the metamorphoric process and promote successful rate ofgrouper larviculture.3. The objectives of the study on propagation of Uraspis helvolus are: 1. Investigatingthe propagation and culture of Uraspis helvolus. We will promote the quality of the eggsby feeding the broodstock with fresh fish, krill, and squid and will facilitate naturalspawning through artificial hastening maturity of sex. The expected results and valuesare: 1. Expect to add migratory fishes to the fish farming industry with the developedpropagating and culturing techniques, and to promote the stocks of migratory fishes innatural sea areas by releasing migratory fishes.