

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:李長縈

浮游性的橈足類(Crustacea: Copepoda)是海洋浮游動物中種類及數量都最多的動物群,它在海洋環境的食物鏈中是極為重要的一環,既以浮游植物為主要食物,同時又成為較大型的浮游動物、仔魚的主要食物。此外,橈足類的地理分布和海洋水文的關係密切,有些種類更為水團和洋流的優良指標。因此在漁業生物學者和生物海洋學者的研究中,橈足類常成為主要的觀測對象。台灣東北海域是黑潮必經之處,其中的宜蘭灣周邊海域則為黑潮即將轉向東北前的重要海域,此區蘊藏豐富而多樣的海洋生物與漁業資源,因而成為主要的傳統拖網漁場。本計畫將從浮游橈足類的種類組成,主要種類之分布、豐度、消長和季節變動著手,逐年累積生物生態學及生物海洋學方面之資料,作為探討其在海域生態系及漁場形成時之關鍵程度,以便運用浮游生物的研究法,來瞭解漁業的長期變動與趨勢,進而做為評估與管理漁業資源的參考。


Planktonic copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) are well known by the most dominanttaxonomic group in marine zooplankton both by species number and numericalabundance. They mainly feed substantially on phytoplankton, nanoplankton andmicroplankton, and in the meantime are the major prey to the macroplankton,ichthyoplankton, and even certain fishes, sea birds and marine mammals are their directpredators. They therefore form an important link in the marine food chain. Theseasonal fluctuation of abundance and distribution of planktonic copepods is highlyrelative to the hydrology of marine environments. Certain copepod species are knownto be indicator of water masses and certain currents. Reasons for these characteristics,copepods are more or less become the major subject of investigations conducted byfishery biologists as well as biological oceanographers.Trawl fishery is one of very important local economic activities in Taiwan.Production from the northeastern waters off Taiwan, especially trawl fishery landingsfrom surrounding waters of Kuei-Shan Island is not only abundant but sustainable allthe year round. To know how the fishery will go on, the long-term investigation andmonitoring on planktonic copepods should be one of the best ways we need to do. TheKuroshio flows northward along the eastern ocean off Taiwan. It has a very significantinfluence on the distribution of marine life, especially the planktonic animals. How theKuroshio influences dispersal patterns of species in this waters, any improvement of theknowledge about the planktonic copepods undoubtedly will have a positive input on theunderstanding of seasonal fluctuation pattern in the local important fishery.The research vessel Hai-Chien will be commissioned to conduct the seasonal samplingsurvey of marine zooplankton in this project. Planktonic copepod samples will be collected by Ring Trawl Net at five fixed sites along one latitudinal transect extendingfrom eastern coastal waters off Taiwan eastward the open sea. The various hydrologicaldata will be obtained simultaneously by a CTD device at each site of all the four cruises.These data are required for analyzing the relationship between copepod distribution andthe hydrological factors.Primary objectives of this project are to analyze the relationship between copepoddistribution and hydrological factors, to identify indicator species of water masses, tomonitor the fauna of marine planktonic copepods off northeastern Taiwan, and todiscover the link between copepod fluctuation and the trawl fishery.