
日本鰻(Anguilla japonica)在不同生活史時期滲透壓之變化

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:日本鰻(Anguilla japonica)在不同生活史時期滲透壓之變化
  • 主持人:劉富光
  • 研究人員:董聰彥、陳冠如、賴仲義、白志年



Japanese eel is one of the most valuable species for aquaculture in Taiwan and EastAsia. Artifical reproduction of this spesies attempted for a long time.Several researchgroups succeeded in inducing spawning of the eel by repeated gonadotropin treatment,but can not obtaining eel larval successful.Therefore,in the present study is toinvestigate the osmolarity changes of the Japanese eel in different life stage. To set thesuitable environmental condition for artifical inducing reproduction of the eels.