

  • 日期:93-06-24
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:丁雲源

1. 分析蝦類腸道正常菌叢、菌相,建立基礎資料,比較正常蝦類與病蝦腸道微生物組成差異。針對蝦池微生物相與池蝦病害之研究,試驗發展益菌生物製劑之使用,藉此改變養殖環境中與養殖池蝦之微生物組成,降低病原弧菌之數量比例,減低病害發生,並增強池蝦抗病能力,改善病害防治方法,提高蝦育成率。2. 繼續北門內灣之水体水質環境調查並增加水體之微生物菌相調查分析,以期建立水質基本資料而達到預警效果。提供漁民參考,減少養殖損失,增加漁民收益。3. 魚池養殖環境之改善研究,收集降雨並分析其水質,探討各種影響池水水質之因素,得以改善養殖池環境,以提高魚蝦類活存率與成長,促進養殖事業之發展。4. 吳郭魚飼料中添加chitosan後,測試從脾臟及腎臟中分離出macrophage,macrophoge在in vitro的環境下培養,所誘導出macrophoge吞噬活力的激發效應,同時藉由電子顯微鏡的研究下,瞭解脾臟或腎臟macrophoge的吞噬活性。


1. The purpose was to study the bacterial flora and to cleare the bacterial compositionin the digestive tract of shrimps. Here, to investigated the bacterial composition betweennormal shrimp and diseased shrimp in the digestive tract. Our research is to useprobiotic bacteria to add the shrimp culture ponds and shrimp's food to inhibit theVibriosis, and finally to attend the goal of increasing the survival rate of pond shrimps.2. The third year survey on the water quality of mariculture in Pei-men bay will becontinued as passed two years ,bacteria phases summed up to this study in addition ;Thepurpose was , not only to study the basic water quality of aquaculture in Pei-men bay ,but also to increase profit of fish farmer.3. For improving water quality of culture pond, collect precipitation. in the meantime,analyzing and investigating precipitation chemistry ,planton and nutriment of waterquality of fish pond are improvtant for reaching high survival and productivity.4. This paper will describes the activity of phagocytosis in macrophage after tilapiainduced by chitosan intake. Total amount of macrophages showed highly phagocytosis ability will estimate when treated with bacteria in vitro in experimental group. Thenumber of bacteria was phagocytosed by macrophage will also estimate.