1.The program will performe to selecte the homozygote broodstocks for all red progenyproduction by the sibling crossing. The back cross of the F1 progeny to paternal willalso perform to understandard the expression of the gene of red tilapia。2.The program will collecte some tilapia strains for culture and increasing the divergingof breedstocks and adding the resource of genetic improvement of tilapia in Taiwan.Growth will evaluate in terms of weight gain, length gain, survival and food conversions.Also the hybrid will evaluate to performance. From carry out the program some growthfast tilapia were isolated to production。3.Conservation of aquaculture or characteristic fish requires knowledge of geneticvariation within and between breeds. Genetic marker are molecular labels whichidentify genes and are valuable to the animal industry as tools of animal selection. In this study, the RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and Microsatellite DNAtechniques will chose for identify the genetic relationship within and among differentpopulations for Spinibarbus spp.。4.The results of last year revealed that the genetic variability of grass shrimps capturedfrom the Tungkang coast is very high. The high genetic variability found in the wildpopulation of P. monodon may be related to the escape and release of the offsprings offoreign broodstocks which were imported continuously from many countries for thelarval production in the last thirty years. The objectives of this study is to analyze thegenetic variability and structure of Penaeus monodon from selected harbors aroundTaiwan. Wild P. monodon will be collected and the variability and structure ofmitochondrial DNA among population will be analyzed. The results of eachpopulations will be compared and the question of genetic contamination with foreignpopulations will be tested and revealed.