

  • 日期:93-07-02
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:生物技術領域
  • 主持人:劉富光

1.本年度主要目標為篩選純種紅色品系,故試驗乃以交配選拔同質結合的純種個體為主,回交檢測子代基因顯隱性。本研究可以瞭解紅色基因突變之情況,掌握基因遺傳之機制,進而維持突變基因之穩定生產,選拔純紅種魚,使紅色吳郭魚能有更好的計畫生產,以提高魚體價格及增進生產效益。2.研究及評估比較由國外引進吳郭魚新品種1-2種和本中心所保存的尼羅吳郭魚或雜交單雄性吳郭魚(尼羅吳郭魚雌魚x歐利亞吳郭魚雄魚)及台灣本土普遍養殖的品種,進行養殖試驗。希望經由本研究以選拔成長快速、取肉率高、且最具競爭力及經濟效益的吳郭魚品種,提供給漁民養殖,以降低養殖成本並提昇產業競爭能力。3.何氏棘 主要分布於台灣南部及東部之中大型溪流,如曾文溪、高屏溪、卑南溪、秀姑巒溪、花蓮溪等;屬於初級淡水魚,該屬魚類具有廣溫、雜食性、個體大、生長快、肉質細嫩、無肌間細刺,是一種優良的新興養殖品種。何氏棘 目前被列為台灣特有種魚類,然全球同屬之魚種共有8種,其中有些學者認為喀氏倒棘 (S. caldwelli)與何氏棘 為同種異名,故開發建立專一性極高之RAPD或微衛星DNA引子來證實,並作為種源及不同來源之快速鑑定;期能運用分子生物技術來建立台灣本土性及特有生物的核苷酸指紋基因庫,確立水產養殖魚種種源庫,及建立種源之利用。4.本計畫擬在現有的經驗、分析技術與研究成果的基礎上,繼續針對台灣重要養殖介殼類,進行遺傳變異度的分析研究,並逐步建立各種類之遺傳基因資料庫。本年度計畫擬進行台灣周邊海域野生草蝦族群在粒線體DNA的序列及其限制脢切割片段多型性的分析,據以比較各族群間的差異並探討是否遭受外來種原的污染。所建立的資料可以作為將來進行種原保存、育種、放流、以及族群遺傳組成之監測等研究及工作之參考。


1.The program will performe to selecte the homozygote broodstocks for all red progenyproduction by the sibling crossing. The back cross of the F1 progeny to paternal willalso perform to understandard the expression of the gene of red tilapia。2.The program will collecte some tilapia strains for culture and increasing the divergingof breedstocks and adding the resource of genetic improvement of tilapia in Taiwan.Growth will evaluate in terms of weight gain, length gain, survival and food conversions.Also the hybrid will evaluate to performance. From carry out the program some growthfast tilapia were isolated to production。3.Conservation of aquaculture or characteristic fish requires knowledge of geneticvariation within and between breeds. Genetic marker are molecular labels whichidentify genes and are valuable to the animal industry as tools of animal selection. In this study, the RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and Microsatellite DNAtechniques will chose for identify the genetic relationship within and among differentpopulations for Spinibarbus spp.。4.The results of last year revealed that the genetic variability of grass shrimps capturedfrom the Tungkang coast is very high. The high genetic variability found in the wildpopulation of P. monodon may be related to the escape and release of the offsprings offoreign broodstocks which were imported continuously from many countries for thelarval production in the last thirty years. The objectives of this study is to analyze thegenetic variability and structure of Penaeus monodon from selected harbors aroundTaiwan. Wild P. monodon will be collected and the variability and structure ofmitochondrial DNA among population will be analyzed. The results of eachpopulations will be compared and the question of genetic contamination with foreignpopulations will be tested and revealed.