

  • 日期:93-07-02
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:生物技術領域
  • 主持人:丁雲源

1.促進魚類免疫力和抗病力探討-石斑魚益生菌生物製劑之研發石斑魚為熱帶和亞熱帶地區消費者所喜愛的經濟性海產魚類之一。但在養殖過程中,每當季節更替或環境劇變時,石斑魚經常會因各種病原感染而造成大量的死亡,雖然抗生素和化學治療劑可有效地控制或治療疾病,但會造成二次公害。另也常以疫苗來預防疾病,但疫苗無法有效地使用在非特定病原的預防。因此,研發其他預防疾病的方法顯得特別重要,如在飼料中添加數種益生菌種以改變腸道菌相來促進魚體的抗病能力等。因此本研究將自於腸道中純化菌種,並探討這些菌種在促進魚體健康方面的相關效應,以做為發展石斑魚益生菌生物製劑的參考依據。2.促進九孔生長因子之研究本計畫以台灣養殖貝類(九孔)為對象,著手研究並找出貝類本身與生長有關的基因,詳細探討生長基因cDNA以及genomic DNA的序列及分子結構,做為構築轉殖用基因的先期探討。3.蝦類生殖力研究-白蝦種蝦配合飼料的開發修改上年度配方配製飼料,並利用室內及室外養成池培育4000尾白蝦種蝦進行生殖力測定。


1.Enhanced immunity and disease resistance of fish.The grouper is an economically important food fish in tropical and subtropical areas.Infectious diseases are the major causes of economic loss in grouper culture. Currentmethods for treating or controlling diseases include antibiotics and chemotherapeuticsthat are marginally effective. Vaccines are being using with some fish species; howevervaccines are not effective against many commercially important diseases. Thus, it wasimportant to exploring other methods of preventing disease, including use of variousprobiotics strains to the feed for the express of altering of flora in the gut. This presentstudy was designed to isolate the gut flora and to determine its effects on the grouperwith a goal to enhanced health of grouper.2.Studies on the growth facter of the small abalone.In order to improve the small abalone growth speed, studies about the growth facter ofcDNA and genomic DNA of small abalone to construct with the promoter in theplasmid for studying gene function.3.Studies on the fecundity of penaeid shrimps.This study was conducted to ivestigate the effects of diets on the fecundity ofbroodstock of white shrimp. The formula of diet will be adapted from the previous study, and 4,000 adult shrimps will be expected.