

  • 日期:95-05-30
  • 年度:2005
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:劉富光
  • 研究人員:林天生、楊順德、黃家富、黃德威、陳榮華、張湧泉、賴仲義、陳冠如、董聰彥、白志年

一.本土河川魚類繁養殖試驗探討大口湯鯉較適成長水溫一、由大口湯鯉的成長率、飼料效率、活存率及疾病的發生率,可瞭解大口湯鯉之較適的成長水溫範圍,可供往後種魚、種苗培育及大量養殖的參考。藉由產卵場底質、水體大小、流量、賀爾蒙等之配合,建立日後何氏棘( Spinibarbus hollandi)種苗培育與復育時之參考依據。二.吳郭魚養殖品系改良本年度實施生產遺傳性雄吳郭魚(GMT)之第一個步驟,培育全雌性尼羅魚苗,將雄性魚變性成雌性魚,但仍保有雄性染色體。另外,進行不同品系台灣吳郭魚之雜交或自交,培育純紅吳郭魚,提昇子代中之純紅吳郭魚比例。三.日本鰻人工繁殖之研究本試驗擬探討誘導日本鰻性腺發育提高自然產卵比率以建立鰻魚人工催熟產卵及提高鰻苗存活率之較適當方式。四.台灣重要河川魚介類遺傳資源分析與評估生物分子族群遺傳變異研究在揭示群體分化和鑑定、物種近化的規律及遺傳育種方面均有重要的意義。粒線體DNA基因組的基本特徵是母系遺傳及不發生重組、核苷酸序列較小,基因組具同質性,因此族群遺傳變異與進化研究,粒線體DNA極具優點。何氏棘( Spinibarbus hollandi)為台灣特有種河川魚類,依調查該魚種已屬稀有魚類;而建構淡水魚介類種原庫除物種多樣性研究外,基因多樣性亦是生物多樣性研究重要的一環,本中心擬進行粒線體DNA序列分析,探討該物種與光刺之親源關係與族群地理分佈,並建立粒線體DNA基因序列資料庫。


一.本土河川魚類繁養殖試驗Rearing experiments will be conducted to investigate the effects of temperature on thegrowth and ammonia-N excretion rate (mg total ammonia-N/kg body weight/h) ofKuhlia rupestris, at three temperature treatments with two replicates per treatment. Theresult of this trial will be helpful for culturing and breeding this local freshwater fish.Theresearch goal would be build the critical apparatus on the reproduction effect for (Spinibarbus hollandi) with the spawning ground、activate area and rate of water flow.二.吳郭魚養殖品系改良This year's work is to implement the first prosedure for production of genetically maletilapia(GMT), i.e., feminization of the Nile tilapia fry. Besides,Selfcross or hybridizationbetween strains of Taiwanese red tilapia is to be done, in order to breed the pure redstrain.三.日本鰻人工繁殖之研究This study tries to find the suitable methods to induce Japanese eels(Anguilla japonica) tomaturation and spontaneous spawning, and also tries to elevate the survival rate of eellarvae.四.台灣重要河川魚介類遺傳資源分析與評估The small size, relatively rapid rate of evolutionary change and maternal haploidinheritance of Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) make it suitable for examining populationand structure among closly related taxa. The research would analyze the mtDNAsequence of the D-loop, cytochrome b or 12s-rRNA genes. Our goal will collect data onDNA-lexel variation among populations of S. hollandi and S. caldwelli that could beused for genetic management and conservation.-