

  • 日期:95-05-30
  • 年度:2005
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:黃丁士
  • 研究人員:蔡萬生、涂嘉猷

豹鱠(Plectropomus leopardus)俗稱七星斑,由於肉質細嫩鮮美,需求量相當大,天然海域捕獲量早已供不應求,是極具發展潛力之高經濟魚種。但因天然種苗資源量少,無法充分取得魚苗供應養殖,為解決此問題,本計畫將配合國家水產生物種原庫之興建,培育優質種魚,生產良質受精卵,突破魚苗培育瓶頸,生產種苗提供養殖事業發展,並鞏固我國石斑魚苗生產之國際領先地位。


The coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus, is an important commercial species and verymuch relished sea food in Taiwan. As the supply of wild fingerlings is limited anduncertain. The growth of the grouper farming industry in the region has been hamperedby the shortage of fingerlings. There is therefore a need to establish breeding techniquefor mass production of coral trout fingerlings. We have to study the development ofembryos, larval rearing, established the broodstock of parent fish, and keep good qualitygenetic strain in a role of aquaculture. For improve the techniques of coral trout cultureand produce mass seed.