

  • 日期:95-05-30
  • 年度:2006
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:周昱翰
  • 研究人員:黃麗月、林益州

文蛤源頭管理是應用危害分析與重要管制點(HACCP )的觀念導入文蛤養殖過程,從種苗來源、水源、底土、飼料四方面著手,將不利文蛤成長及活存的因素管控好,改良養殖物及養殖管理,創造良好的成長環境,促進養殖物的成長及活存率。而底質改善對文蛤養成效果之影響試驗可以達到改善池塘底質及促進文蛤成長速率及活存率的目的。


The basic management of hard clam culture is applied the idea of HACCP into thepracticed procedures. It will be discussed how to control the effective factor of growthand survival rate, Including seeds, water source, sediment and feeds.The objection of thisyear are to improve conditions of sediment during rearing period and increase growthand survival rate of hard clam.