

  • 日期:98-04-17
  • 年度:2007
  • 領域:農業電子化領域
  • 主持人:陳世欽
  • 研究人員:陳世欽、徐雅各、謝日豐、陳佳香、李周陵、吳美錚

本研究乃在規劃建置「台灣水產技術加值網」。網站內容大部分來自水產試驗所館藏資料數位化的漁業技術文獻檔案,部分則連結至相關網站。「台灣水產技術加值網」包含5個模組:「水產主題館」、「常識問答」、「認識魚字」、「知識櫥窗」、「水產專欄」。「水產主題館」有觀賞魚、吳郭魚、虱目魚、鮪魚、海鱺、小丑魚等。「常識問答」模組為水產知識測驗,包含1l 類題目。測驗時,題目為隨機抽樣,以避免重複。「認識魚字」模組收集網路上有魚字部相關字,約1000字,超過任何字典所列載的。因此推測,有些字可能來自日本與韓國所用的字。「知識櫥窗」模組所列文章,目前有9類文章,大都為PDF檔案格式,部分為連結。「水產專欄」則以提供新聞為主。


This study was to build a knowledge value-added website for fisheries techniques in Taiwan. The contents were most from the digitized information that created, collected, and stored on the library of Fisheries Research Institute, COA. Others many link to related websites. The website contained five modules: theme parks, challenges for fisheries knowledge, fish words, technical knowledge, and special column. There were six topics in the module of theme parks. They were ornamental fish, tilapia, milkfish, tuna, cobia, and clownfish. The module of challenges for fisheries knowledge was a test. There were 11 types of problems. The problems were randomly picked in the test without duplication. The fish words module collected Chinese words form web sources that contained fish as a part. Its database contained about 1000 words that beyond any dictionary had. This suggested that many words might be used by Korea and Japan.