

  • 日期:98-04-17
  • 年度:2008
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:王友慈
  • 研究人員:王友慈、潘佳怡、陳人平、康偉福、林雅民

為了解臺灣東北部海域仔稚魚種類組成及豐度之時空變動傾向及其與水文環境之相關性,於2005年3 - 7月及2006年8、9月間,利用本所之海建號試驗船在該海域分別所設置的36及38個測站,分別以Bongo net與浮游生物採集網(ORI)進行斜拖採集。結果顯示,臺灣東北部海域之水文環境變化十分複雜,隨著季節改變有相當大的變動,水溫均為南高北低。研究期間,共採集到99科255類9762尾仔稚魚,及魚卵14526顆,各月之最優勢種如下,3月白腹鯖(Scomber japonicus)、4月花腹鯖(Scomber australasicus)、5、6月均為花鰹屬(Auxis sp.)、7月七星魚(Benthosema pterotum)、8、9月均為日本鯷(Engraulis japonicus),由優勢種的轉變可間接得知花腹鯖、白腹鯖之產卵季節應為3、4兩個月。各優勢群聚因水團變化所造成之空間變動非常顯著,均跟著水團由南向北移動,仔稚魚出現的時空分布動態與成魚的產卵期及黑潮水團的月變化相關。


To clarify the spatio-temporal dynamics of larval fish assemblages in the northeastern waters of Taiwan, larval fishes were collected from the 36 and 38 stations by R/V Hai-Chieng with Bongo or ORI nets with vertical towing during March and July 2005 and August and September 2006, respectively. Water temperature, salinity and water volumn filtered were also measured in the field. Hydrography of the northeastern waters of Taiwan was very complexity and varied with season. Water temperature and salinity were much higher in south and lower in north and gradually increased month by month. A total of 14,526 eggs and 9,762 individual of fish larvae belonging to 99 families and 255 taxa were collected. The dominant species were Scomber japonicas (March), Scomber australasicus (April), Auxis sp. (May and June), Benthosema pterotum (July) and Engraulis japonicus (August and September). The dominant community of larval fish transported from south to north conspicuously by waters changed. The species composition and abundance of fish larvae changed drastically with months and locations. The spawning season of the fish and the meandering of Kuroshio Current in the waters off NE Taiwan were influenced the temporal succession and spatial distribution of the larval fishes.