

  • 日期:98-04-17
  • 年度:2008
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:江偉全
  • 研究人員:陳文義、江偉全、傅信欽、黃梓倫

鮪類廣泛分佈在熱帶及亞熱帶海域,隨機性的攝食方式餌料生物組成相當廣闊,但是對於鮪類幼魚之食物階層動態研究卻相當稀少,然而幼魚的攝食生態探討對於魚種資源評估與管理是不可或缺的重要基礎資料。台灣東部海域黃鰭鮪幼魚資源相當豐富,亦是東部沿近海傳統漁業重要的漁獲對象,本研究於台東新港魚市場採黃鰭鮪幼魚(31.8–95.0 cm FL)進行胃內含物組成分析,研究成果顯現黃鰭鮪幼魚於體長(尾叉長)45至50 cm間食性具有明顯轉變情形,體長小於50 cm之黃鰭鮪攝食除了魚類之外,亦喜好攝食棲息於混合層之浮游性口足類幼蟲及端腳類,體長大於50 cm之黃鰭鮪游泳能力增強,對於仔稚魚及小型大洋性魚種之攝食能力增加,並攝食小型鎖管類,未來將利用同位素分析法建構台灣東部海域黃鰭鮪之食階動態。


Within the tropical and subtropical oceans, tuna forage opportunistically on a wide variety of prey. However, little is known about the trophic ecology of the smallest size classes which play an important role in stock assessments and fisheries management. The yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) is one of the most abundant small tuna species in the waters off eastern Taiwan. This species is commercially exploited in the eastern Taiwan coast by traditional fisheries. The foraging behavior of juvenile yellowfin tuna (31.8–95.0 cm FL), collected from eastern coast of Taiwan was studied using stomach contents analyses. Juvenile yellowfin tuna changed their diets significantly between 45 and 50 cm fork length (ca. 1.5–2.0 kg). Smallest size classes fed on planktonic organisms inhabiting the shallow mixed layer, primarily larval stomatopod and amphipod, whereas larger tuna fed on larger teleosts and squids. The stable isotope analyses will be applied to examine food web dynamics of yellowfin tuna off eastern Taiwan waters.