

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 年度:2008
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:鄭新鴻
  • 研究人員:鄭新鴻、陳凰琴、 陳紫媖

有些海水魚類仔魚的口徑很小,孵化後需要極小型的餌料生物。原生動物體型比輪蟲、橈足類幼生更小,適合做為口徑很小仔魚開口後之初期餌料生物。本試驗使用200L之塑膠圓型水槽,鹽度30 psu,水溫27~30℃,水量為125 L,投飼人工飼料粉末,實驗開始的游仆蟲(Euplotes sp.)密度為250cells/ml, 47日間連續培養的游仆蟲密度,都維持在2000~20000cells/ml,顯示已確立游仆蟲的大量培養技術。經大量培養的游仆蟲,利用添加益生菌、微藻、酵素或營養液滋養成為優質餌料生物,再投餵口徑很小海水魚類仔魚,以期提高仔魚的存活率,將是未來繁殖健康的魚苗重要的課題。


The size of protozoa is often smaller than rotifer and copepod nauplii could be suitable as food sources for the smaller mouth of marine fish larvae. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a mass cultural technique of protozoa Ciliate, Euplotes sp. was isolated from the culture pond outdoors and pure culture in the laboratory. To develop a mass cultural technique of protozoa, artificial food was only used as the food for this experiment. The culture was carried out indoor on 200 L plastic tank at water temperature 27~ 30℃ and salinity of 30 psu. The initial density of Euplotes sp. was 250 cells/ml. The continuous cultural period was over 47 days and average production between 2000 and 20000 cells/ml. The result showed that it could obtain stable production of Euplotes sp.In the future study, the aim is to utilize probiotics, microalgae and organic matter via living food carriers such as protozoa in the larval culture of marine fish to promote the survival rate of larvae.