

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 年度:2008
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:郭錦朱
  • 研究人員:郭錦朱、楊佳諺、歐慧玉、陳紫媖

大蒜扮演食材及醫藥品角色已數十世紀之久。本研究旨在利用洞擴散法,評估大蒜萃出液對發光桿菌 (Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida)、產氣單胞菌 (Aeromonas hydrophila)、愛德華氏菌 (Edwardsiella tarda)、溶藻弧菌 (Vibrio alginolyticus) 以及哈維弧菌 (V. harveyi) 的拮抗活性;結果發現,大蒜水萃液對供試致病菌皆具拮抗活性。大蒜水萃液、氰甲烷萃出液及大蒜之水均質液分別添加鰻粉中,投餵海鱺9天,對發光桿菌症的抗病效果,以不含大蒜末的水萃液添加組WE-X的抗病效力最佳 (p<0.01)。


Garlic, Allium sativum, has had an important dietary and medicinal role for centuries. In this study the antibacterial effect of garlic extracts were evaluated against Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida, Aeromonas hydrophila, Edwardsiella tarda, Vibrio alginolyticus and V. harveyi by the agar diffusion assay. The aqueous garlic extract were found to be able to inhibit growth of all tested bacteria in a dose-dependent manner with maximum of 100% at defined concentration. The acetonitril garlic extract, aqueous garlic extracts with and without garlic were prepared the test diets and were fed to cobia for 9 days. Mortality for the cobia receiving the diets supplemented with WE-X, a treatment of the aqueous garlic extract without garlic, was lowest and significantly different (p<0.01) from that of the control.