

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 年度:2008
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:鄭金華
  • 研究人員:鄭金華、康浩琳、楊明樺、陳紫媖

本研究利用2m2水槽進行三重複試驗,以取得白蝦零換水養殖相關技術的各項參數。所得結果如下:1、密度試驗:白蝦產量(kg/m2)隨密度上升而增加,依序為1.30±0.12、2.29±0.09、2.16±0.50、2.52±0.41。FCR以200/m2組(1.52±0.04)最低,其次依次為100/m2(1.66±0.11),400/m2(1.78±0.12),300/m2(1.92±0.34)最高。2、鹽度試驗:白蝦產量由高至低為25 ppt (0.80 ± 0.14)、30 ppt (0.78 ± 0.00)、20 ppt (0.72 ± 0.03)、15 ppt (0.65 ± 0.01)。FCR由低至高為25 ppt (1.83 ± 0.05)、30 ppt (1.85 ± 0.04)、20 ppt (1.91 ± 0.01)、15 ppt (1.93 ± 0.02),其中以鹽度25 ppt的FCR最低。3、氨氮去除試驗:各組NH3-N最高值由高而低分別為高糖組(0.987 ± 0.061)、低糖組(0.847 ± 0.307)、換水組(0.634 ± 0.139)、對照組(0.530 ± 0.083)、高糖掛網組(0.484 ± 0.290)及掛網組(0.193 ± 0.091),其中以掛網組最低。4、懸浮顆粒去除試驗:白蝦產量以網袋組(2.56±0.42)最高,其次依次為網套組(2.29±0.09)、掛網組(1.97±0.18)、珊瑚砂組(1.83±0.51),無放置組(1.66±0.09)最低。FCR也以網袋組(1.39±0.10)最低,其次依次為網套組(1.52±0.04),掛網組(1.59±0.07),珊瑚砂組(1.71±0.24),無放置組(1.79±0.26)最差。懸浮顆粒濃度以網套 (130.0±30.0)、網袋 (193.3±75.1)、珊瑚砂 (270.0±200.7)等三組低於掛網(606.7±106.9)、無放置(796.7±107.9)二組。由以上結果得知:在上述不換水養殖條件下之最適放養密度為200/m2、最適鹽度為25 ppt。掛網使氨氮降低64%但對產量無影響,網袋不但能去除75%懸浮顆粒,還能提高產量54%、降低FCR22%。應用此技術一共可節省90%以上的用水量,90%以上的廢水量,26%以上的飼料量,13%以上的養殖成本。


The objective of the project is to establish the technology of zero-exchange cutltre of SPF white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei in small tank. Parameters related to the technology will be collected in order to establish the "organic reused zero-exchange culture technology". The results indicate that, under zero exchange culture condition, the best culture density is 200/m2 and the best salinity is 25 ppt。Application of plastic mats decrease ammonia nitrogen by 64%. Comparing to exchange, zero-exchange not only save water usage by 80%, but also lower FCR by 5%. Application of net pockets not only remove suspended solids by 75% but also increase yield by 54%, lower FCR by 22% further. Overall, using this technology, the water usage and discharge, feed and culture cost will reduced by 90%, 26% and 13%, respectively.