

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 計畫編號:98農科-3.1.4-水-A1
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:王文政
  • 研究人員:馮貢國、陳文君、葉龍山、陳玉真

使用揮發性鹽基態氮(VBN)為11.33±0.46 mg%之秋刀魚原料,配合浸酸、調味、熱處理等柵欄,所製成的梅漬即食秋刀魚之VBN為21.14±0.47 mg%,經進行官能品評結果(5分制,n=17),喜歡及非常喜歡(分數>4)者,色澤、香氣、口味、嚼感、整體接受性等分別佔有82、71、71、82及76%。藉加速貨架貯存測試(Accelerated shelf life testing, ASLT)推算魚體VBN超過25 mg%時之貯存期限,於5℃貯存之期限為96日(約14週)與實際貯存之94日,約有2日之差異。藉由適當之浸酸、乾燥及加熱等柵欄處理,製成焙烤秋刀魚之VBN為16.82±0.23 mg%( TBA值為68.95±6.52 μmole MDA/kg meat);藉由ASLT貯存試驗,推算魚體VBN超過25 mg%(Thiobarbituric acid, TBA值為426.83±17.08 μmole MDA/kg meat)時之貯存期限,於5℃貯存之期限為83.6日(約12週)與實際貯存之77.7日,約有6日之差異。


The massive catches–pacific saury with the volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) 11.33±0.46 mg% is the material and the applicable modulating hurdles including acidity, drying, seasoning and heating are used for the processing of ready to eat products. The VBN of product seasoned with plum taste is 21.14±0.47 mg%. The product is evaluated by the sensory panel score with 5 points degree in appearance, flavour, taste, texture and overall acceptance. The score results showed each are 82, 71, 71, 82 and 76% respectively. The shelf life of the product stored at 5 ℃ is evaluated by accelerated shelf life testing(ASLT) with the standard of volatile basic nitrogen lower than 25 mg%. It is over 96 days. There is 2 days difference comparing with the practical storage date 94 days. The qualities of the roasted products are evaluated by measurements of VBN and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value. The VBN of roasted product is 16.82±0.23 mg% (while the TBA value is 68.95±6.52μmole MDA/kg meat), its shelf life stored at 5 ℃ is evaluated by ASLT with the standard of VBN lower than 25 mg% (while the TBA value is 426.83μmole MDA/kg meat), is over 84 days. There is 6 days difference comparing with the practical storage date 78 days.