

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 計畫編號:98農科-6.1.4-水-A1
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:林志遠
  • 研究人員:陳世欽蔡萬生黃丁士許鐘鋼呂逸林

1. 設計及驗測3款(40cm方形、50cm方形、60cm*50cm)水中低頻RFID天線。其中50cm方形天線之品質因數(Q)為52.69、最大讀取距離為22cm、成功讀取率為92%。
2. 完成單機及網路RFID軟體開發,可即時顯示及記錄魚體標籤編號、讀取時間與讀取位置至資料庫,並可據以分析種魚養殖生態及移動特性。
3. 組合測試具多標籤(反碰撞)功能之NXP-Hitag晶片之RFID讀取器、電子標籤與自製40cm方形天線後,發現約於1秒內可同時讀取10個電子標籤。
4. 整合24支水中50cm方形天線、24片匹配器、8個切換器及8台RFID讀取器,現場建置豹鱠及鱟2處種魚池之RFID監測系統。


The purpose of this study is to develop an underwater low-frequency and switchable anti-collision RFID system for mariculture broodfishes. System can real-time observe culturing ecology and behavior of fishes, also can help to promote the efficiency and precision of operation of the aquaculture genetic bank. Results are summarized as follows:
1. 3 sizes (40cm squared, 50cm squared and 50cm*60cm rectangular) of new underwater type of low-frequency RFID antenna was designed and examined. Amount those, 50cm squared antenna was tested and found parameters of 52.69 with quality factor, 22cm with readable range maximum, and 92% with successful reading rate.
2. PC-based and web-based RFID software were explored to display and record individual tag-ID, location and time to database. Then aquaculture ecology and movement behavior of broodfishes could be analyzed.
3. 10 RFID tags could be identified simultaneously within a second by assembling NXP-hitag inside multi-tag (anti-collision) RFID reader and tags with the 40cm squared antenna designed in this study.
4. 2 broodfishes, red coral trout and horseshoe crab, were choose to build the RFID monitoring system in their aquaculture pool by integrating 24 underwater 50cm squared antenna, 24 adapters, 8 switchers and 8 RFID readers.