
台灣沿岸海域鰹類仔稚魚的時空分布 (I)

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 計畫編號:98農科-8.5.2-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:王友慈
  • 研究人員:康偉福、潘佳怡、陳人平

為了解台灣東北部沿岸海域產圓花鰹仔稚魚之時空分布和成長,於2009年5和6月在該海域的26個測站,以海建號試驗船使用丸氏仔魚網進行水表層水平拖曳來採集仔稚魚的樣本,再以耳石日周輪分析技術來解析其日齡和成長率。研究期間共計捕獲圓花鰹仔魚373尾,它們的體長介於2.2-7.1mm之間;在時空分布方面,5月時僅分布於花蓮海域,到了6月時雖仍以花蓮海域的捕獲量為最多,但在宜蘭灣、三貂灣和北海岸亦有零星的捕獲,顯示有向北擴散的傾向,且可能為適溫產卵;解析耳石日周輪則發現,它們的日齡介於5 - 15天之間,日齡體長關係式為:BL (mm) = 2.19 + 0.34 D (BL: 體長, D: 日齡, r² = 0.73,p < 0.0001,n = 57)。


To clarify the spatio-temporal distributions and early growth of the larval Auxis rochei in the coastal waters off northeastern Taiwan, a total of 373 larvae were collected by horizontal tows with Maruchi-D larval net of R/V Hai-chien in the sea surface in daytime in the 26 stations of the study area in May and June 2009. The larvae occurred in the coastal waters off Hualien on May and then dispersed northward on June. Based on the analysis of daily increments in the otoliths, the daily ages were 5-15 and the age-length key was BL = 2.19 + 0.34 day (r2 = 0.73, p<0.0001, n = 57).