

  • 日期:98-04-21
  • 年度:2007
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:劉富光
  • 研究人員:劉富光、陳榮華、張湧泉、張格銓、張素容

本年度實施2 批子代試驗以選出YY超雄性尼羅吳郭魚親魚。第1批的子代試驗中,編號第6號的雄親魚,子代雌、雄比為4.9: 95.1,卡方値0.4,與期望値無顯著性差異 ( p > 0.05)。第2批的子代試驗中,第11號的雄親魚與第1批判定為YY的6號雄親魚為同1尾,子代雌、雄比為3.4: 96.6,卡方値0.4,與期望値無顯著性差異 ( p > 0.05),再次顯示其為YY超雄性種魚;第19號的雄親魚,子代雌、雄雄比為3.2: 96.8,卡方値0.9,與期望値無顯著性差異 ( p > 0.05)。2尾雄親魚判定為YY超雄性種魚,分別予以植入辨識晶片後蓄養於池中,以備明年度繼續進行下一階段之試驗。


Crossbreeding for 3 groups (A, B, C) of Taiwanese red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) was conducted. Results showed that progeny of group A were pure red or spotted, number of spots was variable, progeny of group B were pure red or spotted, number of spots was less than 10, and progeny of group C were pure red, white or blotched. On the mean standard length, total length and body weight, pure red and spotted progeny of group A and B were not significantly different (p>0.05), respectively; as for the group C, pure red and blotched progeny were not significantly different (p>0.05), while both were were significantly different (p<0.05) to white progeny.RAPD biotechnology could be used to identify between C05r and D08r strains, C06r and D08r strains, and D09r and D10r strains. The genetic variation of A10r, A16r, C02r, C05r and C06r were all low, analyzed by the D-loop of mitochondrial DNA, owing to the inbreeding.