

  • 日期:98-04-21
  • 年度:2007
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:蘇惠美
  • 研究人員:蘇惠美、張銀戀、謝隆聲、王淑欣

食物的質與量,大大地影響九孔苗之生長與存活,控制與管理附著板上矽藻膜之技巧,是種苗繁殖上一項關鍵工作,為育苗成功與穩定性的決定因素。傳統上以自然在附苗板上發生的附著生物,作為九孔種苗的食物,這樣的生產模式在藻種類別及品質上無法加以控制。本研究從養殖池分離多種附著矽藻,加以保種,並建立養殖技術。應用養殖的矽藻於2005年底至2006年初育成三批九孔苗,2007年初已成熟為種貝,再以養殖的矽藻培育F2子代。F2子代日齡55時,浪板上之附苗數平均約200粒,殼長為5-10 mm,從浮游苗數量換算,附苗率高達14%。到日齡134時,殼長為0.8-2.5 cm。本研究建立的應用優質矽藻育成九孔苗的技術今後將應用於優質九孔種貝之育種選種工作,使能穩定培育九孔幼苗。


Quality and quantity of food largely influence the growth and survival of small abalone Haliotis diversicolor post larvae. How to manage the diatom films is a key issue for successful and stable rearing small abalone post larvae. Traditionally using naturally occurring diatoms could somewhat control the quantity, but hardly the quality. Several diatom species were isolated, stock cultures were hold and culture technique was established. Application the cultured diatom, three batches of small abalone juveniles, reared during the end of 2005, matured and spawned in 2007. The F2 generation again fed the cultured diatom as its food. At age of 55 days post hatching, averagely 200 individuals with 5-10 mm shell length on the plastic plates was found, the settlement rate reached 14 % calculated from the swimming larvae stage. At 134 days post hatching shell length is 0.8-2.5 cm. The technique using the cultured diatoms to successfully rear the small abalone juveniles will be used for the selecting and breeding the quality spawners for steadily production of juveniles.