

  • 日期:98-04-21
  • 年度:2007
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:陳守仁
  • 研究人員:陳守仁、吳春基、葉信明、陳羿惠、黃建智、翁進興、張麗美、陳秋月、潘惠婉、邵琬桀、蔡家聖、李祐竑、吳龍靜

在試驗船底拖網採樣部分,西南海域北部之單位努力漁獲量較南部為高。G、H、I、J、K區之CPUE皆在19.6公斤/小時以上。A、B、D、E區的CPUE除了D區之19.3公斤/小時公斤較高外,其餘海區的CPUE在9.1公斤以下。下雜魚佔漁獲物的重量百分率以E區及H區的73.3%佔最高,其次為8.3~54.5%之間。魚類除了D區其重量百分比佔漁獲物的61.8%外,其餘測站皆佔80%以上為最優勢的分類群。次要的漁獲物分類群為蝦類,蝦類在D區佔漁獲物重量百分比的36.9%、B區為16.6%及J區的14.9%外,其餘地區的重量百分率皆佔漁獲物的2%以下。蟹類、頭足類和其他分類群除了I區頭足類佔漁獲物的7.6%較多外,其餘僅佔漁獲物的3%以下。大頭白姑魚在水深淺於120公尺的海底地形較平坦地區的漁獲量較多。白口集中在約水深100公尺以淺的海域。但同樣是石首魚科的黑口集中在水深100公尺以深的海域。瓜子鯧在水深100公尺以深的漁獲量較多且西南海域北部較南部為高。白帶魚大致上平均分布在所有漁區。長體蛇鯔在水深200公尺以淺的漁獲量較多。頭足類的真烏賊和真鎖管的CPUE在南部水深較深且地形較陡峭的地區較高。在中層拖網部份,就95年11月至96年5月漁期間,正櫻蝦標本船作業5,101網次之漁況、魚市場之卸貨量與產值,及95年11月至96年10月期間,共採集雌蝦4,765尾,雄蝦1,747尾,計6,512尾等之資料,進行漁獲狀況及生物特性之解析。結果顯示本年度每網次平均作業時間為1.70小時,平均CPUE為每網次19.35公斤。漁獲組成中,正櫻蝦佔38.39 %,燈籠魚科佔37.22 %,其它漁獲魚蝦類佔24.39 %。魚市場之卸貨量為562.40公噸,產值為新台幣21,328萬元。漁場生產力指數平均較高之海域於枋寮至枋山海域及東港外海與小琉球以北海域。正櫻蝦之性比月別變化介於31.95~88.95%,其中以3月最高,6月最低。成熟雌蝦比例介於10.16~38.57%,其中以10月最高,4月最低。雌蝦之體長分佈範圍為18.4~43.0mm,平均體長33.8mm,雄蝦之體長分佈範圍為20.2~40.2mm,平均體長31.6mm。在體長(BL)與體重(BW)之關係上,雌蝦為BW=2x10-5BL2.7510,r=0.879,雄蝦為BW=3x10-5BL2.5958,r=0.875。


A. Bottom trawl fisheryThe CPUEs of the northern area of southwestern waters of Taiwan (G, H, I, J and K) is more than 19.6 kg/hr, but those of the southern area are no more than 9.1 kg/hr except the area D which is 19.3 kg/hr. The percentage of trash fish weight in the landing is most high in the area E and H (73.3%), and the other area are between 8.3-54.5%. Pieces are the most dominant taxonomic group in the landing of bottom trawl fisheries. Mostly pieces occupied more than 80% of wet weight in the landings. The second dominant group is shrimps, however only the percentage of shrimp wet weight is more than 14.9% in the area D, B and J. 9%, and mostly this group are no more than 2% in the landings. The other groups are also no more than 3% in the landings except area I where cephalopod occupied 7.6% in the landings. Pennahia macrocophalus and Johnius spp. are mostly landing at the depth shallower than 120 m depth, but Atrobucca nibe is mostly landing at the depth deeper than 100 m depth. Psenopsis anomala is mostly landing at the northern area, and Trichiurus lepturus is landing evenly in all area. Saurida elongata are mostly landing at the depth shallower than 200 m depth, and Cephalopod, Sepia esculenta and Loligo edulis, are mostly landing at the southern area.B. Sergestid shrimp fishery This report included the analysis on the fishing condition based on the catch statistics collected from 16 sampling vessels and fish market during the period from November 2006 to May 2007. Meanwhile, the analysis on the biological characters of sergestid shrimp based on the sampling data was conducted during the period from November 2006 to October 2007. The average fishing time was 1.70 hours with a CPUE of 19.35 kg per net haul. The species composition included sergestid shrimp (38.39%), myctophid fishes (37.22%), and the other fishes (24.39%). The annual landing of sergestid shrimp in the fish market was 562.40 tonnage with a value of 21,328 ten thousand N.T. dollars. The productivity in the coastal area off Fan-Shan was higher than the coastal area off Tung-Kang. The monthly ratio of female shrimp was between 31.95% and 88.95% with a peak in March. The length-weight regression equations of the female and male shrimp were calculated as BW=2x10-5BL2.7510,r=0.879 for female, and BW=3x10-5BL2.5958,r=0.875 for male.