

  • 日期:98-04-21
  • 年度:2007
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:陳文義
  • 研究人員:陳文義、江偉全、林富家、傅信欽、許紅虹

本研究利用調整型架構(Adaptive framework, ADAPT)年級群解析方法(Virtue Population Analysis, VPA),進行台灣東部海域鬼頭刀資源評估。自1990年至2006年,於台東新港魚市場採集鬼頭刀體長資料,並彙整區漁會漁獲拍賣報表動力船筏漁獲鬼頭刀努力量及漁獲量資料,以體長頻度分析法解析漁獲年齡組成,漁獲組成分成3個年齡群,其中以1+歲為居多。由ADAPT VPA解析結果顯示1+魚資源豐度最高峰在2003年,2004年至2006年呈急遽減少。2+魚資源豐度最高峰在2004年,2005年後呈急遽減少。3+魚資源豐度呈平穩狀態,僅在2006年稍微減少。年齡別漁獲死亡率在1991年至2000年期間變動劇烈,呈逐漸減少趨勢,而自2001年至2006年漁獲死亡率逐年增加。這些結果顯示臺灣東部海域鬼頭刀目前屬於適度開發階段,惟此漁業近年東部海域鬼頭刀漁業漁獲努力量仍持續增加,其資源動態及漁業發展必須持續加以評估及監視,以確保此魚種資源得以永續利用。


Adaptive framework Virtue Population Analysis (ADAPT VPA) was used to assess the current stock of dolphinfish in the waters off eastern Taiwan. Length data and abundance index data of dolphinfish off eastern Taiwan waters were collected in Shinkang fish market and Shinkang Fishermen’s Association during the period from 1990 to 2006. Three age classes were identified from length-frequency analysis and dominant age classes was 1+. Age-specific abundance estimated from ADAPT VPA indicated the abundance of 1+ peaked in 2003, 2+ in 2004 and decreased thereafter, 3+ keep stable in every year. The fishing mortality fluctuated from 1991 to 2000 and increased year after year. The highest mortality was found in 2006 for all age classes. The results indicated the dolphinfish in the waters off eastern Taiwan appeared to be moderately exploited. Recently, the fishing effort for dolphinfish were rapidly increased, it is evident that the stock condition and development in the fishery still need to be monitored.