

  • 日期:100-04-08
  • 計畫編號:99農科-4.1.1-水-A2
  • 年度:2010
  • 領域:農業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:張素容

本計畫於99年3月1日邀請以色列ARO的Gideon Hulata教授來台參訪、演講並研商計畫合作事宜。於基隆總所的國際會議廳以有吳郭魚的養殖生物學與遺傳育種為主題作專題演講,並在淡水繁養殖研究中心與研究人員進行座談。以色列學者並先後參訪彰化區漁會、海洋生物博物館、本所海水繁養殖研究中心與東港生技研究中心,訪問民間吳郭魚、鰻魚、冷水性魚類、烏魚、石斑魚及白蝦等繁養殖業者,對於台灣薘勃發展的水產養殖業留下深刻印象,於3月8日結束參訪行程返國。本次訪台座談會議的結論有三項:(一)台以雙方擬進行吳郭魚種原交換,以方Hulata教授提供歐利亞吳郭魚,而水試所則提供賀諾奴吳郭魚。(二)合作計畫名稱訂為「台灣的尼羅吳郭魚性別決定基因之研究」,試驗在淡水繁養殖研究中心進行,由Hulata教授提供實驗方法和技術諮詢。(三)台灣視需要派遣合適人選赴以方考察或在ARO接受短期研習。而在合作計畫方面,已初步實驗建立了11組微衛星引子反應條件,但未能判別目前淡水中心保種尼羅吳郭魚(N2)性別或找出其相關性。另一方面,已採集3對親魚DNA並建立幾個性別相關之微衛星資料,俟各組子代成長至可人工判別性別後,再確認性別表型與性別微衛星之相關性。


The Israeli expert, Dr. Gideon Hulata of Agricultural Research Organization, was invited to visit Taiwan on 1st March 2010. He gave an excellent speech to the researchers in Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) and faculty fellows in universities, in the title “Current status of biology, genetics and selective breeding of tilapia”. The staff in the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Center, FRI, made enthusiastic discussions with him. Dr. Hulata also visited the Changhua Fishery Association, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, the Mariculture Research Center and Tungkang Biotechnology Center, FRI, and exchanged information with the relative staffs. He was impressed by the success cultivate of tilapia, eel, cold-water fish, mullet, groupers and white shrimp in Taiwan after his visits on aqua-farms. He made constructive suggestions regarding the bilateral cooperative projects on developing organic aquaculture before his leave on 8th march.
The major conclusions in the group discussion are as follows. First, exchange of genetic material was discussed: Oreochromis aureus from Israel to be transferred to Taiwan and O. hornorum transferred from Taiwan to Israel. Second, FRI is interested in launching a research project entitled "Genetics of sex determination in Nile tilapia in Taiwan". Collaboration with ARO team, represented by Prof. Hulata, will include methodological support, guidance and short-term training. Third, Taiwanese researchers would be welcomed if sent for training in the aquaculture and genomic laboratories at the Institute of Animal Science (ARO).