

  • 日期:100-04-08
  • 計畫編號:99農科-4.1.1-水-A3
  • 年度:2010
  • 領域:農業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:陳郁凱

本出國研習計畫係於7月20日至8月20日派員至美國國家海洋漁業局(NOAA, NationalMarine Fisheries Service)之西南漁業科學中心(Southwest Fisheries ScienceCenter)與加州大學聖地牙哥分校(University of California, San Diego)之Scripps海洋研究所(Scripps Institute of Oceanography)與美國加州沿岸漁場環境監測計畫(California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations,CALCOFI)執行團隊進行訪談。CalCOFI結合海洋環境科學、漁業研究機構以及漁業管理當局,以加州洋流區之海洋環境因子與生物資源調查及管理為研究重點,至今已邁入第61個年頭,目前已經能對加州洋流區的漁業資源狀態做出相當程度的預測並訂定管理措施。本次出國研習除與CalCOFI團隊之科學家與技術人員交換執行心得外,並隨NOAA研究船New Horizon出海執行CalCOFI計畫八月份調查航次(CalCOFI1008NH),實地考察各項海洋科儀與網具操作以及觀測資料處理之標準作業流程。


With the changing of climate and the growing of marine environmental pollutions in recent years, many countries have devoted to establishing their database for marine environment and aquatic living resources. As a
result, Fisheries Research Institute implemented「Taiwan Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, TaiCOFI」program in 2003 to conduct quarterly cruises to collect water temperature, salinity, nutrients,chlorophyll-a and zooplankton measurements at 62 stations in the
surrounding waters of Taiwan. Through this thorough investigation, we try to understand the coupling of physical, chemical and biological dynamics
in the surrounding waters of Taiwan to figure out the factors associated with the fluctuation of fishery resources. Through the academic exchange with CalCOFI, we expect to improve our fishing ground monitoring
techniques and refine our marine ecology database.