

  • 日期:100-04-12
  • 計畫編號:99農科-8.1.4-水-A1
  • 年度:2010
  • 領域:森林及生物多樣性研究領域
  • 主持人:蕭聖代

在臺灣西部沿岸,葡萄牙牡蠣是一種重要水產養殖貝類。台灣的牡蠣養殖雖然很發達、技術持續改良,但是我們對於牡蠣養殖種類的族群結構並不清楚。因此了解基因變異在族群內及族群間對於之後的牡蠣養殖管理是很重要的。本研究利用粒線體DNA中一段主要非編碼區的序列了解台灣產葡萄牙牡蠣族群的遺傳變異。分別在台灣各地包括離島地區13個樣點,共採集162個樣本。增幅出之片段總長為642-644 bp,樣本共包括96個單型和110個變異位點,所有序列間核苷酸歧異度(dij)為0.001~0.079。初步結果並顯示葡萄牙牡蠣在台灣地區的族群並無明顯分群且具有高度的遺傳多樣性。


In the western coast of Taiwan, the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata, is an important aquaculture species. However, the reason for this is unclear. Therefore, the information about the amount of genetic variation within and among population is important for further oyster broodstock management. In this study, we attempted to investigate genetic variations of the Portuguese oysters in Taiwan. We collected total 162 individuals from 13 locations around main island of Taiwan and its outer islands. A total of 110 variable sites were detected in 642~644 nucleotides in length, and the relative frequency of nucleotide alteration was determined to be 17.1 %. Among 162 specimens, 96 haplotypes were identified. The diversities among all sequences (dij) ranged from 0.001~0.079. The phylogenetic tree was reconstructed based on the Maximum likelihood and Neighbor-joining methods. The result showed that no obvious to distinguish the specimens into different populations through clustering analysis based on data of the mitochondrial noncoding region.