

  • 日期:100-04-12
  • 計畫編號:99農科-10.1.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2010
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:曾振德

本研究完成處理分析2006-2009年臺灣遠洋秋刀魚漁業之漁獲統計資料及衛星遙測海面水溫及海洋水色影像資料,選定各月份秋刀魚漁獲分布之最適水溫及水色濃度值,繪製出各月份之秋刀魚最適漁獲海域分布。各月份秋刀魚最適漁獲海域分析結果,顯示10月份的秋刀魚單位努力漁獲量達最高值,其對應的衛星水溫及水色濃度值之直方圖分析,均呈現雙峰現象,分別為13-14及15-16°C與0.5-0.6及1.0-1.1 mg m-3。此外,9及10月份之秋刀魚最適漁獲海域分布面積較大,11及12月份時面積縮小且呈現狹長帶狀,介於黑潮與親潮交匯區之間。再者,各月份秋刀魚最適漁獲海域的最南邊界線分析結果,顯示9月份其最南邊界之平均緯度值為43.0度,隨後秋刀魚漁獲位置有往西南方向推移的現象,12月份時到達最南邊界,其平均緯度值為40.2度。另外,探討氣候變遷作用下,採用1、2及4°C等3種不同水溫上升模式與正常年(2006-2008)比較,探討秋刀魚最適漁獲海域的時空分布特性,結果顯示秋刀魚的漁獲分布,會隨著水溫上升,逐漸往高緯度方向偏移。本研究結果將有助於瞭解秋刀魚漁獲分布的時空變化,可成為未來漁業管理及發展漁海況速報之重要參考資訊。


The 2006-2009 logbook data of Taiwanese Pacific saury fishery coupled with MODIS satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) data were used to determine the saury’s SST and Chl-a preferences, then to predict their monthly potential fishing grounds. The results show that the highest catch per unit effort (CPUE) of Pacific saury is in October. Its corresponding SST and Chl-a preferred ranges based on the histogram analysis show a bimodal phenomenon, 13-14 & 15-16°C and 0.5-0.6 & 1.0-1.1 mg m-3, respectively. In addition, the potential fishing grounds of Pacific saury covered larger areas in September and October, but it became the narrow-horizontal belt areas in November and December, between the Kuroshio and Oyashio transition zone. Moreover, the average latitudes of southernmost boundary line of potential fishing ground are 43.0 in September and 40.2 in December. Their monthly potential fishing grounds show a remarkable southwestward latitudinal movement. In this study, based on the climate change scenarios, using 1, 2, and 4 °C SST rise in relative to the normal years (2006-2008), the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of monthly potential saury’s fishing grounds were examined. Results showed a statistically significant poleward shift of potential saury habitats during the influence of SST rises. These results can improve understanding the variability of Pacific saury’s spatial distribution, and will form the basis for the fishery management and fishing forecasting in the future.