

  • 日期:100-04-13
  • 計畫編號:100農科-4.1.1-水-A6
  • 年度:2011
  • 領域:農業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:陳紫媖

海水蝦類養殖為全球最重要的養殖種類之一,其中以白蝦為主。由於蝦病毒為害,常造成大量死亡,因此掌握SPF種蝦,生產SPF蝦苗以供養殖,為養殖成功與否的主要關鍵。夏威夷海洋研究所(Oceanic Institute, OI)在SPF白蝦種原之培育以及育種研究非常先進,並成功輔導該地業者將SPF白蝦種蝦外銷至亞洲主要海水蝦類養殖國家。另外,關島大學近年來也積極重進行SPF白蝦的育種研究,已培育出相當優良的品種,值得引進相關技術與種原。水試所近年來運用SPF白蝦繁養殖技術,亦成功技轉給業界使用,但在蝦類育種的研究尚需加強。水試所希望能與夏威夷海洋研究所及關島大學長期合作,期使水試所成為亞太SPF蝦類種苗供應中心之一,本臺美農業科技合作之計畫之合作項目包括蝦類育種技術與SPF白蝦種原引進。


In Taiwan, the production system of shrimp has been collapsed due to viral disease problem. Therefore, the prior task is to assist the shrimp farmers to rebuild SPF white shrimp aquaculture production system. Up to the present, Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture set up a hatchery to produce SPF postlarvae and biosecure measures to provide qualified shrimp farmers whose ponds are regarded as SPF environment. Providing high quality SPF broodstock to produce high quality, fastgrowing
SPF postlarvae in low price is essential for shrimp industry. Fisheries Research Institute wishes to establish substantial cooperation program on selective breeding with Oceanic Institute and University of Guam and introduce shrimp broodstock from the U.S. The planning work ofthis project will benefit the shrimp industry in Taiwan and countries of southeast Asia.