

  • 日期:100-04-14
  • 計畫編號:100農科-10.3.1-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2011
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:李彥宏

本計畫目的是進行黃鰭鮪種魚培育及開發繁殖技術,以期能發展鮪類養殖的產業。目前種魚池中蓄養一批3-5年齡黃鰭鮪種魚,生長情況良好,池水透明度佳,水質穩定。會定期監測種魚池水質,並試驗培育大型藻類方式,來維持水質恆定。另外試驗添加生殖激素(LHRH-a, HCG)於餌料中餵食黃鰭鮪種魚,並改善餌料種類與品質,以促進種魚自然繁殖產卵。每日觀察並記錄種魚活動,注意是否有生殖行為。收集檢查水面是否有受精卵,可用於魚苗培育及試驗。期望建立黃鰭鮪人工繁養殖技術,可作為放流及養殖之用途,且能應用到其他大洋洄游性魚類之繁殖。


The purpose of this study is to rear yellow fin tuna(Thunnus albacares) breeder candidates and develop techniques of tuna breeding and larval culture. At present, a batch of 3-5 years old tuna are raise well in a round concrete recirculating tank system. Throughout all this study, pond water is good in transparency and quality parameters were still steady except phosphate. Therefore, we will try to keep water quality invariable by cultivating the macroalgae (Ulva lactuca) with the recirculated seawater for absorption of nitrogen and phosphate . We also feed tuna with hormones (LHRH-a, HCG…, etc) and improve bait kind and quality for stimulating natural spawning of yellow fin tuna in recirculating pond systems. Record the activity of tuna and check whether fertilized- floating eggs exist on the surface of water every day.Finally, we expect to set up the techniques of tuna artificial breeding and culture, and can be applied to other pelagic marine fish