

  • 日期:100-04-18
  • 計畫編號:99農科-10.3.1-水-AB
  • 年度:2010
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:蘇惠美

本研究在實驗室評估真眼點藻類種/株之生理特性,以篩選適合在戶外自然光照下大量養殖之藻株。並以1公升玻璃扁平瓶(4.5cm 深)、30公升塑膠袋(16cm 厚)、40公升壓克力槽(20cm 直徑)養殖設施,在較佳的營養條件下促進生長,在獲得較佳的培養條件後,可藉以開發半連續之培養;第二階段則改以營養源限制的條件(缺氮、磷等)下培養,以提高油脂含量之累積,並且探討微藻累積油脂之代謝。利用上述成果結合工研院在環工、化工、機械等跨領域的優勢與資源,共同建立戶外養殖測試平台,包括袋式反應器、渠道式系統與板式培養系統,建立適當之養殖策略,以提高藻體及油脂產率。並建立凝聚浮除採收系統降低藻體生質收穫成本。


This study aims to selection the algae species/strains of Eustigmatophyceae for outdoor mass culture by algal physiological criteria, including response to diurnal fluctuations of temperature, resistance to photo inhibition, amount of dark respiration, and sensitivity to osmotic stress. And using the 1-L, 30-L and 40-L culture vessel to find the optimum culture condition for biomass and lipid production in nutrient sufficient and deprived media. Then the experiments of two-phase strategy will be carried out outdoor to test 3 types' culture systems for enhancement the biomass and lipid productivity. Three culture systems include annular reactors, raceway and plate reactor. In addition, the floating and flocculation system for harvesting of the microalgae will be developed to cost- down the dewatering process for biodiesel production.