

  • 日期:102-02-04
  • 計畫編號:101農科-11.2.1-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2012
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:江偉全
  • 研究人員:陳文義、江偉全、洪曉敏、林憲忠、吳瑞賢、黃梓倫

鮪旗魚為高度洄游性魚種,棲息海域與洄游路徑經常跨越各沿海國家經濟海域,但就族群結構與生態習性之探討,是漁業科學研究的一大挑戰。本研究計畫本年度主要探討西北太平洋黑皮旗魚(Makaira nigricans)移動、棲息喜好及行為特徵,總計於10 尾黑皮旗魚魚體配置彈脫型衛星標識器,追蹤紀錄時間長達360天,並記錄棲息深度及溫度資料與水平移動特徵。標識器由台灣東南海域傳統鏢旗魚漁船以鏢刺方式鏢置於魚體背部,移動紀錄距離為58至1,529 km。白天與夜晚棲息深度有顯著性差異,白天主要棲息於50 m以淺水層,亦經常短暫性棲息於表層;而夜間則幾乎棲息於接近表水層,此結果顯示白天及夜晚棲息於不同水溫的水層,夜間棲息於較溫暖的水層。棲息深度範圍為0至423 m,水溫範圍為33.5°至6.8 °C,棲息深度範圍的水溫變化幾乎限制於8 °C的差異範圍,顯示黑皮旗魚極易由表層作業漁法所捕捉。


Tuna and billfish are highly migratory species, with their habitat and migratory pathways often crossing the Exclusive Economic Zone of different countries. The extent of population structure, habitats and behavior of these fishes are emerging management and conservation issues requiring the attention of fisheries scientists. This project presents the first data on movement, habitat use and behaviour for blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the northwest Pacific Ocean. 10 individuals were tracked in the eastern Taiwan using pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs). Records up to 360 days in length were obtained, providing information on depth and temperature preferences as well as horizontal movements. Tags were deployed from commercial harpoon boats fishing out of Taitung, Taiwan targeting billfish on the southeastern coast. Linear displacements ranged from 58 to 1,529 km from deployment to pop-up locations. The distributions of times at depth were significantly different between day and night. During daylight hours, the fish were typically below the near-surface layer, often at 10 to >50 m, sometimes remaining below the near-surface layer at depth throughout the daylight hours, but often returning briefly to the surface. At night, the fish spent most of their time at or very close to the surface. This pattern of behavior also meant that the distributions of time at temperature were significantly different between day and night, with the fish occupying warmer strata during darkness. Depths and ambient water temperatures visited ranged from 0 to 423 m and 33.5° to 6.8 °C, respectively. However in all cases, the depth distribution appeared primarily limited by an 8 °C change in water temperature. Diel diving patterns also suggested basking behavior. Blue marlin behavior makes them particularly vulnerable to surface fishing gears.