

  • 日期:102-02-04
  • 計畫編號:101農科-11.2.1-水-A2(2)
  • 年度:2012
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:陳威克
  • 研究人員:陳威克、莊世昌、吳全橙、王敏昌

本計畫之主要目的係調查台灣北部海域底棲魚類資源現況,進而提出管理的建議,使漁業資源得以永續利用。本研究利用水試一號前往台灣北部海域,以底拖網進行漁獲種類組成調查,兩航次共38網次,記錄有魚類52科79種、蝦類4科13種、蟹類6科16種、頭足類3科3種,優勢種類以中國黃點鯆(Platyrhina sinensis)、梭氏蜥鮫(Galeus sauteri)、劍尖槍鎖管(Uroteuthis (P.) edulis)等16種為主。有關底棲性魚類的系群研究結果顯示,台灣產大眼鯛的族群遺傳結構可分為2個支群,但大溪群與東港群間的成員則彼此混雜,推測大溪群與東港群間則可能有關聯族群(metapopulation)的存在。雄壯鬚蝦則已完成D-loop專一性引子設計,並在持續增加PCR的樣本數。另外進行日本金梭魚年齡與成長之研究,輪紋判讀的初步結果,推測日本金梭魚耳石上呈現的輪紋為日輪,尾叉長介於312-354 mm,日輪紋數為213-259之間。


The objectives of this project are to investigate the status of demersal fish resources in the northern waters off Taiwan, and provide a reasonable fishery management for sustainable utilization of fishery resources. The investigation on species composition in the northern waters of Taiwan was conducted by R/V Fisheries Research I with 38 hauls in 2 cruises. All specimens were recorded and including 79 species of 52 families of fishes, 13 species of 4 families of shrimps, 16 species of 6 families of crabs, and 3 species of 3 family of cephalopod. The 16 dominant economical species were Platyrhina sinensis, Galeus sauteri, and Uroteuthis (P.) edulis and so on. Our preliminary result of the population genetic structure analysis of benthic fish by mitochondrial partial sequence revealed that Priacanthus macracanthus off Taiwan can be divided into to clades, but mixed by Da-Xi group and Dong-Kong group, showed the metapopulation may present between these two groups. The D-loop primers design for Aristeus virilis was finished, and still need to increase PCR reaction sample size. Age and growth of Sphyraena japonica were examined in this study. The size at age estimated from the otoliths were 312-354 mm FL at 213-259 ages (days).