

  • 日期:102-02-05
  • 計畫編號:101農科-11.3.1-水-A4(3)
  • 年度:2012
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:楊順德
  • 研究人員:楊順德、黃德威、林合陞、陳淑靜、劉富光

本計畫係依據國外通用的有機養殖標準,以吳郭魚混養方式建立準有機養殖管理模式,以做為國內發展有機養殖之參考。試驗分為有機養殖組與一般操作對照組,有機組之放養密度約為0.23 kg/m2,投餵池魚以有機飼料,並在池中架設塑膠編織袋以滋生附著藻菌;對照組之放養密度約為0.45 kg/m2,操作方式依照一般養殖方法進行。經12週之養殖試驗顯示,只要有良好的養殖條件與管理方式,有機養殖的效率並不比一般操作方式還差。在有機池中架設與飼料袋相同材質之塑膠編織袋,可增加附著藻菌滋生的面積,作為有機池魚的輔助餌料,並有效降低飼料投餵量。


This study was conducted to establish the pilot-scaled ponds that farming managements was operated in accordance with the written standards for organic aquaculture. The purpose was to build a quasi-organic model for farming tilapia, so as to help farmers understand the operations of organic aquaculture. The stocking density was 0.23 kg/m2 in the organic pond, while that in the regular pond was 0.45 kg/m2. The results of 12-week farming trial showed that the growth performance and feed utilization of organic fish were better than that of the regular one as long as well established operation. Moreover, the plastic sacks were introduced into the water column in organic ponds for bio-films and periphyton to grow upon and upon which fish could graze. In this way, the decrease of organic feed input and reduction of production costs could be achieved under the restrictions from organic regulations.
Keywords: organic aquaculture, tilapia, organic feed, periphyton.