
台灣東北部海域底棲漁業資源之監測(II) -宜蘭灣櫻花蝦生殖與成長研究

  • 日期:104-02-26
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.2.1-水-A1(5)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:張可揚
  • 研究人員:張可揚、陳威克、莊世昌、吳全橙

本研究今年度以櫻花蝦生物學為研究標的,進行生殖與成長之研究,以期了解宜蘭灣櫻蝦資源變動之原因。結果顯示主要漁獲種類為正櫻蝦(Sergia lucens),佔總漁獲88.97%。今年每船每月漁獲之單位努力漁獲量(CPUE)約為3391.83kg(圖3),較去年為低。另由加工廠的收購量來估今年的櫻花蝦產量約在200-300公噸之間。


In this study, we focused on the Sergia shrimp biology, reproduction and growth in order to understand the reasons of fluctuation of Sergia shrimp resources in I-lan Bay. Our results showed that the main catch species was Sergia lucens accounted for 88.97% of total catch. This year's catch per unit effort (CPUE) was about 3391.83kg per boat per month, lower than last year. According the acquisition data from processing plants, the Sergia shrimp production in 2014 was about 200-300 tonnes.