

  • 日期:104-03-05
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.2.1-水-A3(1)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:劉燈城
  • 研究人員:吳繼倫、陳郁凱、陳均龍、藍揚麒、王友慈、潘佳怡

為瞭解台灣周邊海域花鰹屬(Genus: Auxis)仔稚魚之時空分布,本研究於2007、2008及2009年間按季於62個測站採集溫鹽、營養鹽、葉綠素甲、浮游動物及仔稚魚樣本。11個航次共採得花鰹屬仔稚魚909尾,其豐度分布存在明顯的季節變化,春季,仔稚魚大量出現在台灣海峽與東北部海域,平均豐度為32 inds./1000m3;夏季,仔稚魚自東北部海域經台灣海峽直至西南海域均密集地出現,東部沿岸處亦有分布,平均豐度為39 inds./1000m3;秋、冬兩季則非產卵季節。主成分分析結果顯示,春季時水溫較低處,葉綠素甲濃度、浮游動物及花鰹屬仔稚魚豐度也較高;夏季時,水溫較低處,營養鹽類及葉綠素甲濃度較高,浮游動物及花鰹屬仔稚魚豐度也較高。相關分析亦顯示,春季及夏季時花鰹屬仔稚魚豐度與水溫存在顯著之負相關關係。


In order to understand the spatial and temporal distribution of larval bullet tuna (Genus: Auxis) in the surrounding waters of Taiwan, 11 cruises were conducted at 62 stations to collect larval fish and environmental factors around waters of Taiwan in 2007, 2008 and 2009. A total of 909 larvae were collected using ORI net. The abundance of Auxis larvae showed seasonal variations. In spring, Auxis larvae were found in the Taiwan Strait and northeastern waters and the average abundance was 32 inds./1000m3. In summer, Auxis larvae widely distributed from the northeastern waters to the southwestern waters off Taiwan and also observed in the coastal regions of eastern waters, and the average abundance was 39 inds./1000m3. Autumn and winter were not the breeding season. The results of PCA showed that in areas with lower water temperature during spring, chlorophyll-a, zooplankton and the abundance of Auxis larvae were also higher. During summer, nutrients, chlorophyll-a, zooplankton and the abundance of Auxis larvae were higher in areas with lower water temperature. Correlation analysis also suggested that the abundance of Auxis larvae was negatively correlated with water temperature in spring and summer.