

  • 日期:104-03-10
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.3.3-水-A2
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:李彥宏
  • 研究人員:李彥宏、潘明燦、陳士元

海鱺是台灣主要箱網養殖魚種之一。但目前面臨近親化的問題,導致魚苗生物特性下降、畸形率過高以及成長緩慢等問題,使產業嚴重受限,故有必要透過育種繁殖方式來改善魚苗品質。本研究是以不同劑量 (5 mg kg–1, 50 mg kg–1)的雌二醇 (E2)添加在飼料中,來進行海鱺的性別控制試驗,期望達到100%雌性化結果,並確認海鱺生殖腺分化時間。試驗結果顯示,經組織切片觀察,海鱺幼魚性別分化時期介於孵化後50-70天之間。餵食50mg kg–1雌二醇,能達到100%雌性化效果。高濃度雌二醇也會造成幼魚成長緩慢及飼料效率變差,但在處理66天後,改投餵一般飼料,其生長反而增加,在後續養殖七個月後,雌魚體長體重明顯優於雄魚。總之,性類固醇激素確實能控制海鱺性別,可應用在海鱺育種繁殖過程,達到生產全雌化子代目標,有利於海鱺養殖產業發展。


Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) is one of potential candidates for sea-cage culture species in Taiwan. At present, due to the inbreeding depression of cobia, the quality of seeds is decreasing, including biological characteristics, deformity, growth rate, etc. We want to solve these problems by using selected breeding method to improve the quality of cobia seeds. In this study, the cobia fingerlings were fed with E2 diets(5 mg kg–1, 50 mg kg–1 ) from 55DPH to 120DPH, feminized the undifferential cobia to 100% female and confirmed timing of gonadal sex differentiation. Results showed that cobia gonadal sexual differentiation was during 50-70 DHP and 50mg E2 kg–1 diet induced cobia fingerlings to 100% females. E2 also caused cobia to grow slowly and lower feed conversation efficiency(FCE). After E2 treatment with 66 days, cobia were feeding normal diets and grew better than before. Follow-up cultivated for seven months, the weight of female cobia was obviously superior to male. Finally, steroid hormone can really control sex of cobia and was applied to reproduction of all female progeny. These results can be applied to cobia aquaculture.