

  • 日期:104-03-10
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.3.4-水-A1(6)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:吳龍靜
  • 研究人員:陳玟妤、陳秋月、黃星翰、黃建智、許明樹、吳伊淑、賴繼昌、何珈欣、翁進興、楊清閔、周慈慧、張麗美、王友慈、冼宜樂、鐘金水、林綉美、鄭靜怡、歐麗榛、黃文卿、林金榮

澎湖沿海日本鰻苗漁業現況調查顯示澎湖鰻苗的採集作業漁具漁法以在碼頭進行集魚後再捕撈的方式進行採捕作業為主;作業期間從2013年12月8日起開始有漁獲記錄,至2014年2月9日之後,業者就因不再有漁獲而停止漁撈作業。而澎湖成功灣日本鰻苗資源變動發現從12月初日本鰻苗就開始有近岸被捕獲的現象,至12月下旬達到最高峰,之後1月近岸數量驟減,到了2月就未再有捕獲紀錄。此外,澎湖沿岸鰻苗種類調查發現除日本鰻Anguilla japonica之外,還包括了西里伯斯鰻A. celebesensis、鱸鰻A. marmorata及疑似呂宋鰻A. luzonensis等共計有4種。


This study surveyed the hydrological environment and biological sample using vessel of Fishery Research II in the waters of south-western Taiwan during 25-27 August and 24-26 September, 2014. Besides, we schedule a cruise for 14-20 November, 2014 in the waters of north-eastern Taiwan and coast of I-Lan Bay. The study of Penghu was divided into two parts. One sampled eels from seller in 11, 26 December, 2013 and 20 January, 2014. The other collected eels in the Cheng-Kung Bay, using a set-net in 13, 23, 24 December, 2013 and 13, 22 January and 5, 17 February, 2014.
Hydrological environment displayed that the Kuroshio intruded into southern Taiwan in August with high temperature and effected by Kuroshio branch water in September. A total of 39 leptocephali collected from 33 stations were belonging to 9 families consist of Anguillid, Chlopsid, Congrid, Muraenid, Nemichthyid, Nettastomatid, Ophichthid, Serrivomerid and Synaphobranchid. Among them, Congrid collected the most. It's important to note that Anguilla marmorata (Anguillid specie) was collected. It will be helpful for future research due to the similarities of spawning grounds and habits between A. japonica and A. marmorata.
Eel fishing in Penghu was to concentrate them at the dock and catch since 8 December, 2013 to 9 February, 2014. Eel of Cheng-Kung Bay was discovered since early December to February. Eel resource was abundant in late December and decreasing since January. In addition, the survey found four eel species of Penghu, including Anguilla japonica, A. celebesensis, A. marmorata and A. luzonensis.