
臺灣產紅甘鰺 Seriola dumerili 之分類研究

  • 日期:108-02-07
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.2.3-水-A1(7)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:蕭聖代
  • 研究人員:莊世昌、李純慧

紅甘鰺廣泛分布於全世界熱帶及亞熱帶海域,是亞洲重要的經濟魚種之一,也是近年新興的甘鰺屬養殖魚種。臺灣針對紅甘鰺的相關研究不多,多零星見於漁獲組成或漁場分布等研究。據漁民表示,在臺灣沿近海可捕抓到兩種不同形態的紅甘鰺。本研究利用粒線體COI、Cyt b及D-loop等三組 DNA 分子標誌並搭配外部形態以釐清在臺灣沿近海捕獲之紅甘鰺族群結構。研究結果顯示由外部形質可明顯將捕獲之紅甘鰺分為兩群,然而由分子生物學分析,卻無法區分該兩群之差異。目前仍將臺灣周邊海域捕獲之紅甘鰺視為同一系群,將持續與日本長崎大學合作開發解析度更高的DNA標識,以期能更進一步釐清該兩群之族群遺傳關係。


The greater amberjack Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810) is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical waters. This fish is one of the most commercially important fishery in Asia, and also one of the upcoming new fish species in aquaculture in recent years. Even though greater amberjack is highly commercial value, studies about its biology are scarce and only few reports on catch composition or fishing  round distribution. According to fishermen, there were two different phenotypes exist in the Taiwanese waters based on its habitat depth. To clarify its genetic diversity and population structure, mitochondrial COI, cytochrome
b gene and D-loop were used to analyze samples from two different morphotypes of greater amberjack. Based on principal component analysis, the morphological variations between the two morphotypes are significant, however the genetic data revealed that two morphotypes are the same population. Although the genetical and morphological data were not consistent, the greater amberjack caught from Taiwanese water is a single population. In the future, we will continue to cooperate with Nagasaki University in Japan to develop higher-resolution DNA markers in order to further clarify the differences between the two groups