

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.3.3-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:白志年
  • 研究人員:黃世鈴、陳榮華、陳冠如、董聰彥、蕭玉晨、黃瀛生、陳 建彰、楊順德

本計畫的目的在於維護與改善種原庫─鹿港支庫保種設施,以確保水產生物種原保 存及生產優質種苗,並維持種原庫正常營運。鹿港支庫主要保種種類計有:吳郭魚 類8種、經濟養殖魚類9種及本土河川魚類8種。今年並完成7種吳郭魚類組織樣本的 凍存,2家廠商有關吳郭魚單雄性魚苗量產的技轉案,截至今年並完成種原庫吳郭魚 湖泊病毒自主管理檢測139尾,其結果均為陰性反應。


This project is aimed at maintaining and improving the function of facilities of the National Germplasm Bank of Aquatic Organism of Lu-kang branch, in the meanwhile, ensuring the security of the aquatic organism conservation and their high quality seedling, keeping the normal operation of this germplasm bank. In addition to there had conserved 8 species of tilapia fishes, 9 species of economic culture fishes and 8 species of native fishes on this branch.