

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.3.2-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:城振誠
  • 研究人員:謝恆毅、許鐘鋼、鐘金水、陳律祺、呂逸林、林慧秋、劉 素華、張戴陽、冼宜樂、陳一蜚、陳岳川、吳鍺湘、黃丁士

水產種原庫的主要目的是要保存優良種原。但水產生物的種類繁多,棲息環境及生 存條件差異大,為了符合多樣種原生物的棲息環境,因此建置完善保種設施並改善 既有的水槽,以符合種原生物的需求達到保存種原生物的目的。本計劃將保存重要 水產生物種原8種以上及進行澎湖章魚生物學研究,推廣人工繁養殖技術及量產技術 ,協助養殖產業永續發展,並提供種苗增裕沿近海漁業資源。


Conservation of aquatic organism germplasm is the main purpose of the Aquatic Organism Germplasm Bank. There is a variety of marine life, and the living habitats and conditions very widely. In order to meet the habitat of different creatures, it is necessary to improve the tank to meet the needs of them and achieve the purpose of genetic conservation. In this study, conserve over 8 species of aquatic organism germplasm to assist in other experiment programs and study on biology of the Penghu Octopus, technology of artificial propagation and mass production of aquatic organisms, moreover to assist in the development of aquaculture industry and provide seed to enrich the coastal fishery resources.