

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-11.2.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:推動臺灣沿海藍色經濟成長
  • 主持人:吳瑞賢
  • 研究人員:吳龍靜、陳律祺、余淑楓、冼宜樂、黃文卿、鐘金水、林 綉美、歐麗榛、鄭靜怡、賴繼昌、吳伊淑、蔡龍泉、陳秋 月、何珈欣、黃星翰、黃婉綺、傅奕翔、許紅虹、周爰瑱 、葉怡均、蘇冠瑋、蔡富元

澎湖地區主要漁獲物會隨著漁法不同而改變,而十大放流物種中,澎湖沿近岸海域 僅出現黑鯛、黃鰭鯛、黃錫鯛、嘉鱲、銀紋笛鯛、烏魚、點帶石斑及布氏鯧鰺等八 種,但其出現數量較少且捕獲率亦低,根據物種捕獲率資料,黑鯛捕獲率介於 0.03~2.6公斤/船-天、黃錫鯛捕獲率介於0.004~9.5公斤/船-天、嘉鱲捕獲率介於 0.004~4公斤/船-天、銀紋笛鯛捕獲率介於0.006~15公斤/船-天、點帶石斑捕獲率介 於0.007~21公斤/船-天、烏魚捕獲率介於0.0167~2.7公斤/船-天、黃鰭鯛捕獲率介 於0.01~2.8公斤/船-天。十大放流物種所占總漁獲重量比例也不高,僅3.17%。而計 算其相對重要性指數發現,澎湖沿近岸海域十大放流物種以黃錫鯛(186.04)最為重 要,其次依序為點帶石斑(78.45)、嘉鱲 (51.36)、黑棘鯛(30.44)、銀紋笛鯛 (29.54)、烏魚(4.85)、黃鰭鯛(1.76)。十大放流物種之體長變化方面,目前僅有嘉 鱲、黃錫鯛與銀紋笛鯛有較足量之體長資料,澎湖地區嘉鱲年間平均體長變化有相 同之趨勢,皆在第二季及第三季達到最高後逐漸下降;而黃錫鯛及銀紋笛鯛平均體 長變化較不明顯。由目前結果發現,澎湖地區沿近岸海域僅有黃錫鯛分布廣泛且捕 獲量相對較高,因此建議未來進行增殖放流行為時能優先考量於澎湖地區放流黃錫 鯛。高屏近岸水域漁筏標本戶從2015年1月至今已累積9,118筆漁業活動資料。標本 船作業漁法以一支釣(39.36%)、刺網(35.02%)及延繩釣(12.89%)漁業為主,漁獲總 重量約101.47公噸,其中六大放流物種佔總漁獲量3.40%,以銀紋笛鯛(2.13%)、黃 錫鯛(0.57%)及黑鯛(0.37%)所佔比例較高。計算物種相對重要性指數發現,銀紋笛 鯛為高屏地區常見的放流物種,其次為黃錫鯛、四絲馬鮁和黑鯛。由放流物種分布 情形發現,四絲馬鮁主要分布於梓官沿岸海域;黑鯛主要分布於梓官至茄萣一帶沿 岸海域及林園外海;布氏鯧鰺主要分布於林園沿岸海域;黃鰭鯛主要出現於梓官沿 岸海域;黃錫鯛主要分布於東港外海和茄萣沿岸海域;銀紋笛鯛則分布於彌陀沿岸 海域及大鵬灣。花東地區放流魚種中,僅銀紋笛鯛及點帶石斑稍有經濟規模,建議 主管單位在了解當地生態現況之後,再來評估是否需要放流,以及放流正確的魚種 。


The results reveales that there areAcanthopagrus schlegelii ,Acanthopagrus latus ,Rhabdosargus sarba ,Pagrus major ,Lutjanus argentimaculatus ,Mugil cephalus ,Epinephelus coioidesandTrachinotus blochiiin coastal waters off Penghu, but the numbers and catch rate were low. The proportion of the catch weight of releasing species is only 3.17% in the catch weight of all species. By calculating index of relative importance, it found that the most dominant in Penghu wereRhabdosargus sarba(186.04).The mean length ofP. majorshowed second and third season more than first and fourth season. And the others species had no trend variation of mean length obviously. In cousion, we suggested thatR. sarbamore suitable for releasing in the coastal waters off Penghu. Till now a total number of 9,118 voyage data were recorded in the waters off southwestern Taiwan. The results of top three fisheries were angling (39.36%), gillnet (35.02%), and longline (12.89%). The fishing vessels totally caught 101.47 tons fish. The target released species contributed 3.40% of the total catch in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan. Among them, the dominant species wereLutjanus argentimaculatus(2.13%),Rhabdosargus sarba(0.57%), andAcanthopagrus schlegelii(0.37%). By calculating index of relative importance, it found that the common species in the waters off southwester Taiwan wasLutjanus argentimaculatus , followed byRhabdosargus sarba, Eleutheronema rhadinumandAcanthopagrus schlegelii.Eleutheronema rhadinumwas observed in the coastal waters of Ziguan.Acanthopagrus schlegeliiwas distribution in the coastal waters from Ziguan to Qieding and Linyuan offshore waters.Trachinotus blochiiwas distributed in coastal waters of Linyuan.Acanthopagrus latuswas distributed in coastal waters of Ziguan.Rhabdosargus sarbain waters off Tungkang and coastal waters of Qieding.Lutjanus argentimaculatuswas distributed in the coastal waters of Mituo and Dapeng Bay. Among the ten major releasing species in the eastern waters of Taiwan, onlyLutjanus argentimaculatusandEpinephelus coioidesreach a little economic scale. It is not recommended to release before determining its benefits.