

  • 日期:107-02-21
  • 計畫編號:107農科-15.2.2-水-A1
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:農業生物經濟
  • 主持人:許鐘鋼
  • 研究人員:陳岳川、黃金峰、蘇勰忠、劉素華、莊成意、許秀媛

鸚鵡刺尻魚種魚之配對雌雄比為1:1、2:1、3:1及4:1,蓄養在250公升的PP桶中,以 自行配製的人工飼料進行投餵,並收集計算卵粒,進行仔稚魚之繁殖試驗。鸚鵡刺 尻魚種魚產卵期自5月25日至11月18日(178天),共產卵165天,合計卵數129,305顆 ,其中上浮卵45,565顆(35.24%),下沉卵83,740顆(64.76%),日平均產卵數 784±432顆,平均每g卵約5,000顆,受精卵卵徑為718±16um。產卵期間養殖水溫範圍 22.2-29.3℃。測量鸚鵡刺尻魚種魚,雄魚平均全長74.39±10.49 mm,平均體重 11.91±4.81g;雌魚平均全長69.48±8.42 mm,平均體重9.40±3.02g,雄魚平均體型 大於雌魚。收集鸚鵡刺尻魚受精卵飼養在2..2噸FRP桶中,水溫控制為25-27℃,進 行育苗試驗,以牡蠣受精卵為鸚鵡刺尻魚魚苗之開口餌料生物,鸚鵡刺尻魚魚苗活 存至第30天,體長約5.5㎜。


The male and female ratio ofCentropyge loriculuswas 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4, was stocked in 250 litres of PP tanks with artificial feed, and the eggs were collected and calculated to carry out the breeding test of the larvae. The Spawning period ofCentropyge loriculuswas from April 25 to November 18 and lasted 178 days, including 165 spawning days. The total eggs was 129,305, including 45,565 buoyant eggs(35.24%) and 83,740 sinking eggs (64.76%). The average daily spawning number was 784±432, about 5,000 eggs per gram, the fertilized eggs diameter was 718±16um.. During the period, the water temperature was 22.2-29.3℃.The average length of the male fish was 74.39±10.49 mm, the average body weight was 11.91±4.81g, the average length of the female was 69.48±8.42 mm, the average weight was 9.40±3.02g, and the average male size was larger than that of female fish.CollectCentropyge loriculusfertilized eggs raised in 2. 2 tons FRP tanks, water temperature control in 25-27 ℃. Oyster fertilized eggs forCentropyge loriculusfry open bait creature,Centropyge loriculusfry live to the 30th day, body length was 5.5 mm.