

  • 日期:106-03-04
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.2.1-水-A1(6)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:林金榮
  • 研究人員:冼宜樂、鐘金水、黃文卿、林綉美、鄭靜怡

澎湖內海遠海梭子蟹資源現況 在調查海域以底刺網所漁獲的種類計有11科34種,以梭子蟹科占的15種佔最多,具 經濟價值的遠海梭子蟹、善泳蟳、顆粒蟳及繡斑蟳的漁獲重量僅占總漁獲重量的 31.4%,非目標魚種的混獲比相當高。在調查海域遠海梭子蟹資源季節性變化,周年 豐度有2個高峰期,分別在3-4月及8、10月最高。 遠海梭子蟹漁業生物學 所採集的242尾遠海梭子蟹,各月別之性比在0.31-0.80之間,年平均性比為 0.58;一年四季均有生殖活動,生殖高峰在2-4月及7-9月間,雌蟹GSI值在2以上的 成熟個體最小甲殼寬和最小抱卵雌蟹甲殼寬均為11.3cm。雌蟹單次抱卵量隨著體形 的增大而增加,平均抱卵數為1,112,455±529,925。


Resources ofPortunus pelagicusin Penghu Inner Bay Among all of the 34 species in 11 families collected by bottom gill nets, there were 15 species belong to Family Portunidae. The species with commercial value, such asPortunus pelagicus ,Charybdis natator ,Charybdis granulate ,Charybdis feriatus , accounted for 31.4% of total harvest weight. Meanwhile, which means a high percentage of untargeted catch. The seasonal variation ofP. pelagicusrevealed that there were two peaks in a year, March to April and August to October respectively. Fishery Biology ofPortunus pelagicus Among the total number of 242P. pelagicus , the monthly sex ratio is between 0.31-0.80, with an annual average of 0.58. Productive activity happens all year round; moreover, February to April and July to September are the peak periods. The minimum carapace width of mature female crabs with a GSI value above two and ovigerous crabs are both 11.3cm. The batch fecundity increases with the body size on ovigerous crabs. The average of batch fecundity is between 1,112,455±529,925.