

  • 日期:106-03-09
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.3.1-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:黃德威
  • 研究人員:楊順德、劉于溶

養殖水耕系統是一種兼具循環水養殖與水耕栽培的複合式農業生產系統 ,可同時生產水產物及蔬果等農業作物,架構雖然簡單,但其管理是一種跨領域的 管理方式,程序較兩者來的繁複。智能化養殖水耕系統藉由溫度、pH、溶氧、EC、 等環境因子之自動監測控制除可有效降低管理之人力,且生產過程如遇特殊問題 ,專家學者 透過雲端所記錄之相關資料立即分析給予改善之建議,可提升系統的生 產力。養殖 業者也可經由雲端立即了解並處理整個系統的運作管理。本年度架構養 殖水耕系統 環境因子自動監測設備一組(含水溫、pH、DO、EC、氣溫、濕度、雨量 及光積度等 ),對於系統中養殖物與作物生長之環境因子進行監測,並與一般檢測 結果進行比對 ,結果略有差異,但差異度均小於5%。期間並進行2次養殖物與作物 不同密度的試驗 ,在地瓜葉不同栽種密度試驗中,菜收穫量與飼料投餵量的比值可 見,高植栽密度組比值較高,而在水中營養鹽的部分則相差不高,顯示系統中應可 增加更多的作物。高密度組作物收成量雖然較多,但是菜收穫量與飼料投餵量的比 值卻是低密度組較高,又水體中氮、磷、鉀等三種植物生長的主要元素,高密度組 的濃度都較低密度組高,應該可以加大植栽空間並種植更多的植栽,以吸收利用水 中的營養鹽,並增加更大的產量。


Aquaponic system combined recirculation aquaculture and agriculture,which roduct crops and aquatic products at the same time. Intelligent aquaponic aquaculture automatic monitor the system important factors (including temperature,pH,Disolved oxygen, EC etc.), and reduce manpower demand. By cloud platform, the management could know the system status whenever necessary. The system factors recorded also can offer to the expert to make the system better.This year we configures a set of the auto monitor equipment to environment factor in aquaponics system (Contain water temperature, pH and DO,EC and temperature,humidity and precipitation and Light accumulation etc.)。In the system,carry on the monitor to the environment factor of the aquatic products and the crop growth and it's right to carry on the ratio with general examination result .Slightly have the difference as a result,but difference all less than 5% . Two different density tests were also conducted during this period. The ratio of harvest to feed was higher in sweet potato with high leaf density, but the proportion of nutrients in water was not significantly different, indicating that more crops should be added. Although the yield of high-density group of tilapia was higher than that of the high-density group, the ratio of harvest to feed was higher in low-density group. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations are higher in systems and high-density systems. The system can increase the planting space and planted more plants to absorb and utilize nutrients in water and increase the yield.