

  • 日期:106-03-24
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.3.3-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:周昱翰
  • 研究人員:何雲達、林益州

應用各形態性狀相對比值作為文蛤形態的判別和分析指標,針對去年台西文蛤種貝 與F1種貝2個群體間形態學參數變方分析結果顯示 SL/SH、SL/SW及SL x SW/SH 等 3個殼形態特徵指標在2個群體間的均達到顯著差異( P <0.01)。顯示雖然來自同一 族群及相同的生活地區但經過篩選後群體間 形態性狀的差異還是存在。文蛤繁殖季 節前期因種貝生殖腺未飽滿,前2次進行的人工繁殖利用陰乾及溫差刺激均未能使種 貝產卵而失敗。而之後3次的人工繁殖均能使種貝順利產卵,其中2次獲得F2沈底苗 152萬粒,依批次放養於2個育苗池。


SL / SW, SW / SH and SL x SW / SH were used to analyze as morphological parameters .The morphological characteristics of the clams showed significant differences between the two populations of Taishi clam and F1 clam (P <0.01). The results showed that the differences of morphological traits still existed after being screened although they were from the same group and the same living area. There have 2 times breeding to get 1.52 million sediment larvae in 5 times of breeding program. According the different breeding time of larvae stocking in 2 nursery pond