

  • 日期:106-03-24
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.3.3-水-A1(7)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:城振誠
  • 研究人員:黃丁士、謝恆毅、許鐘鋼、鐘金水、陳律祺、呂逸林、林 慧秋、劉素華、張戴陽、冼宜樂、陳一蜚、陳岳川、林金 榮

水產生物的種類繁多,棲息環境及生存條件差異大。為了符合多樣種原生物的棲息 環境,因此改善既有的水槽以符合種原生物的需求,達到保存種原生物的目的,並 協助其它實驗計畫進行。本計劃保存重要水產生物種原生物12種,並增加種原庫資 訊資料超過3000筆。同時修繕及維護各項儀器設備的功能以供各項研究工作順利進 行。使種原庫的正常運作及發揮種原庫的功能。


There is a variety of marine life. In addition, living habitats and conditions very widely. In order to meet the habitat of different creatures, it is necessary to improve the tank to meet the needs of them, achieve the purpose of genetic conservation, and assist in other experiment programs. In this study12 species of aquatic organism germplasm are conservation and increase species of the original database of information more to than 3000. Repairs and maintenance of the functions of the equipment would also be executed to be beneficial to experiments and to achieve the operation and function of Aquatic Organism Germplasm Bank.