

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-1.3.2-水-A1
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:農業科技產業化領域
  • 主持人:謝恆毅
  • 研究人員:歐俊龍、王敏儒

本計畫完成之預期效益可提供環境友善之新興養殖物種,例如:淺蜊的養殖自孵化 起皆以浮游性植物為食,由於浮游植物的生活史短,可以在短時間大量的繁殖,養 殖從業人員所需要花費的時間與資本相對經濟低廉,同時也不會耗用大量的魚類動 物性蛋白作為飼育餌料,淺蜊照養成本低廉、商品需求量大、售價優於目前市售類 似商品甚高,漁業從業人員收益亦高。依據漁業署漁業年報2013年最新資料顯示 ,台灣主要二枚貝生產種類為牡蠣及文蛤,其產量分別為27800公噸及56700公噸左 右,產值為61.5億及39.3億新台幣,因此若淺蜊能夠開發作為新興養殖二枚貝,將 具備極高之開發經濟潛力。透過野外人工環境的交叉移植以及穩定同位素分析,將 有助於解開野外與人工環境生長速率差異的關鍵謎團。


Researchers had discovered the traditional carnivore-oriented aquaculture will bring about much more loss of the edible marine resources in the form of fish oil, fish meals and trash fish. The promotion of herbivoreoriented, sustainable aquaculture to reduce the demands of animal protein will efficiently to prevent the unreasonable way of business applications.The short-necked clam is provided with those characters such as phyto-plankton feeding, low-investment in daily management, high market price and income.  According to the latest statistics of fishery annual report of FA in 2013, Oyster and common hard clam are two major bivalve species for aquaculture in Taiwan.  The amounts of production of the two are 27800 and 56700 metric tons while the value are 6.15 and 3.93 billion for each.  In this project, reciprocal translocations and stable isotope analyses will help to reveal the mysteries of growth variations between wild and artificially raised individuals.