

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-7.1.1-水-A2
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:農業電子化領域
  • 主持人:呂逸林
  • 研究人員:林志遠、謝恆毅

    利用澎湖海域自建之5組海洋WSN水質測站資料,另研發自記式、低耗電、低成 本海用微型WSN定位測溫浮球,並配合其他氣象資料,彙整資料庫後以資料探勘技術 交叉探討澎湖海域海氣象參數時空間變動之關係與發展預警模式,進行漁業寒害預 警、珊瑚白化監測、箱網養殖產業渡冬避寒選址等分析。可提供即時資料與警訊供 政府與養殖業者之決策支援,以減少產業損失。亦可協助監測澎湖周遭海域生物多 樣性環境監測,並有助於水試所水產種原庫永續管理及研究工作之推動。


   This study analyzes three kinds of data of Penghu waters that come from 5 oceanic WSN water-quality stations, public metrological stations and devices "Small WSN Floating Ball", which are newly exploited platforms for positioning, wireless-communication, temperature-observing, self-recording, low-cost and low power-consumption purposes.     A spatial database will then be employed to store those data and crossing analysis, by data-mining methods, the early-warning models of extraordinary water-quality and coral bleaching in Penghu waters. Data will also be used to assist the temporary-location selection for marine cage culture on chill events in winter.     Data and results obtained by this study will be helpful for the cage culture to decrease damage from global climate change, as will as the government to made policy decisions on extremely weather and ocean conditions. Benefits will also be noticeable for monitoring the coral bio-diversity environment and for sustainable operation and studies of our (FRI's) Penghu Aqua-Germplasm Bank.