

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.4.1-水-A1(5)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:林慧秋
  • 研究人員:高雪卿、廖紫嬿

海馬屬珍稀海水硬骨魚,是華人社會名貴的中藥材之一,自古即有「北方人參,南 方海馬」之說。因此海馬萃取物所具有的生理活性物質,值得我們去探討。本所澎 湖中心目前已建立海馬繁養殖技術並技轉多家廠商,相信海馬之量產及其產業發展 指日可待。本試驗擬利用人工養殖之海馬,庫達(Hippocampus kuda)及棘海馬( Hippocampus spinosissimus)等,經過萃取測定其生理活性物質,包括抗氧化 (DPPH及ABTS自由基清除活性、螯合亞鐵離子及還原力)、安全性試驗(Ames test)、 MTT小鼠巨噬細胞(RAW264.7)毒性試驗、抗發炎(降低NO生成及TNF-α抑制)、性激 素促進效果,希望利用此生理活性物質能開發出保養或保健食品之新素材。 


Seahorse, Hippocampus a marine teleost fish, is one of the most famous and expensive materials of traditional Chinese medicine. There has always been that \\\\"the North ginseng, South hippocampus,\\\\" it said. Hence, hippocampus extract may has many physiologically active substances, it is worth to study. Penghu Marine biology Research Center was established hippocampus numerous farming techniques and technology transfer a number of manufacturers. It is believe that production of hippocampus and industrial development can be expected. This study was intends to use the artificial breeding of the hippocampus including Hippocampus kuda and Hippocampus procerus etc. After extracts of hippocampus, physiologically actives were measured, including antioxidant effects (DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging effect, Chelating ability and Reducing power), Ames test, anti-inflammatory (reduce NO and TNF-α inhibition), promoting hormones effect. We hoping to use this physiologically active substances could develop a new material or maintenance of health food.